~• Part 56 •~

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Jeonghan's POV

"This is the only thing I asked from you and for the first time, I get to do what I want but you've ruined it! Isn't it enough that you've ruin my life before?! ISN'T IT?!"

The words keeps replaying in my head. I can't focus. Throwing my glasses away, I leaned back on the chair. My back hurts but my heart was even worst. True, I sent the letter but never thought it would be like this. I sent it out of rage. Not only she ignored me but she came home late every fcking day! I did asked her to not come home late even if she's working but she didn't listen. I just want to protect her. What is so wrong about that?

I sighed. She's been avoiding me and I know because of what. To be honest I can't even focus and don't talk about forget. What happened in the kitchen that day should've never happened again cause if it did I might loose it. I alsmot loose it when she said my name and that's why I stop. I don't want to hurt or scare her and that's also one of the reason why I act like I forget about it.

She might doesn't know about it but I just don't want to take things like this. You know?

Suddenly I heard something fell and it's sounds like a shattering glass. What was that? I quickly get up and follow to where the sounds leads to. I then heard it coming from her room.

I quickly pushed the door opened and found no one but then I heard rustling noise in the bathroom. I walked there and horror was in front of me.

"Eunjin!" I called but no response. Her eyes were closed and but she was aiming the broken glass on her arms to be exact on her pulse while the other hand that is holding the glass are covered in blood. She's mumbling something that I couldn't make it. She seems like she's still sleeping. Oh no. This is dangerous.

Eunjin's POV

"Mom! Mom You're here!"

"Of course sweetheart. Where will I go without you? I won't leave you alone"

I run to her and hug her as tightly as I can. "I miss you so so much!"

"aww don't wory I'm not gonna leave you again and I miss you so much too my dear. I bought you a present." She said and I let go of the hug. "What is it?" I asked excitedly and that's when the smile dissappeared.

"Your friend." The person slowly walk behind. I squinted my eyes because I can't really see it. Just when the person got closer my jaw dropped. It's Areum.

"m-mom..but she's n-not my friend..." I said tremble a little.

"but she said she is" Mom replied. I shake my head as I took steps back.

"Hi Eunjin. Miss me?" she asked and make me shaking my head repeatedly. I turn to my mom but she just nodded.

"Oh and I bought you another present." she said and handed me a box. My mom nodded as in signal for me to took it. I took it and slowly opened it only to throw it back. I look at her in horror as she laugh hysterically.

It was a baby picture full of blood everywhere. I tremble so hard and quickly drop it. She laughed like a maniac but suddenly stop. I looked up and saw her evil face before she quickly grabbed my mom and place a knife at her neck.

"NO! Don't do it!" I said crying heavily.

"Your stupid ugly child has dead and now it's your lovely stupid mama's turn and only after that it's you." She said and move the knife closer to her neck and bleed her neck a bit. It made me panic.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and took a knife from the drawer and aimed at my own hand. I won't let her hurt or kill my mom. "She's the only one I have and the only one that I love" I mumble. I then look up and saw she's smirking.

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now