~• Part 48 •~

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"Welcome back Master Yoon"

the maid I guess at the door greeted while bowing deeply. They called him Master?

"and oh.." he suddenly said that made me look at him. "Don't call me President Yoon but just Jeonghan. Now let's go." he said and bring me with him hands folded together. He want me to call him with only his name? it's been a long time since I did that. It might be awkward.

The huge door then opened revealed a dinning room with so many people. There's like 20 people and most of them are men. Shy and panic, I quickly hide myself behind his back while tightly gripping on his sleeves.

"Hyung! You're back!l


"Ay yo Jeonghan!"

they suddenly went near him and hug him. I silently step back and keep my head down when suddenly I saw a silhouette moving near. Slowly looking up and saw it's Seungcheol.

"Mind to tell us, who is she?" one of them asked while all of them looked at me. I felt so small and shyness was eating me all up. I hide behind seungcheol. I could hear chuckles.

Then I felt hand on my arm and saw it's him who pulled me closer. "She's Eunjin."

"Eunjin Hi! I'm Jun." he offered me a hand which I contemplated for a while. Looking at him and he just nodded signalling its okay. I quietly held my hand out and shook it.

"Well some of you already know her, so let's eat. I'm so hungry." I heard he said and we all went to the table. I saw him pulling a chair out. I was going to sit but he sit on it first. Jerk. I thought it was for me. I then pulled myself a chair and sit beside him. I could see him smirking. He must've enjoy it so much.

"So Eunjin, how long you knew Jeonghan?" One of them which I don't know the name yet asked.

"ah sorry. I'm Jihoon but you can call me Woozi." I just nodded at him. "so how long?" he asked again.

"I-I don't remember.." I answered and they all nodded except for Wonwoo and Seungcheol. Oh god this is embarrassing. They all then started to introduce themself to me one by one. That's a lot to memorize but I'm sure I can. The silent greet us once again as we were all busy eating when someone decided to throw a shocking question.

"so what is your relationship together?" the guy who i think name Joshua asked.

They are all looked up, anticipating our answers as all of them had their eyes on both of us now. He then answered them "Now that you ask. I'll tell you. I want to let you guys know. This is Eunjin. She's actually my w—"

"F-Friend!" I quickly cut him off before he got to finish his words. They all went silent before bursting out laughing. "Wait, so you guys are only a friend? Friend. I thought you guys have something since this hyung here look so serious when he told us about you." seungkwan guy said before they all burst out laughing again.

I flashed a small smile to them to hid my nervousness. I then turned to look at him and found he already glared at me that made my smile instantly wiped out. He then ignored me and continue eating.

"Like how Jeonghan hyung were doing, I'm going to do it too. Everyone, this is Minha. My fiancee." I can see that almost all of them are shock well except for one.

"you have a fiancee??"

"why didn't you tell us sooner??"

"Ya Kim Mingyu!"

"how can you have a fiancee before I do??"

They all then went to congratulate and hug him. While the girl name Minha was just smiling and shaking their hands. Looking at all their faces and personalities, I can see how bright, supportive and loving they are. It made my day.

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