~• Part 16 •~

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Jeonghan's POV


Sighing. My grandma are just so hard to handle at sometime. I mean we wouldnt even need to introduce her as my wife tho. It's not like I love her anyway.

As I was busy fixing my tie a knock was then heard on the door.

"Come in"

"I'm sorry to disturb you, President but there's someone who want to meet you"  one of the maid said. I just nodded signalling an okay. Who would want to meet me at this time.

As I was deep in thought, I heard door opened. Turning around only to see an uninvited guess. The person whom I want to forget. The person who I tried to move on. The person who hurt my precious one once. The person who ruined everything.

"What are you doing here??" my voices become louder as I'm mad at her and I dont even want to see her face. "Jeonghan I—" she tried but I cut her off.

"No. I dont want to hear your nonsense. Leave." I said and motion her to go out but instead she held on my hand. "Jeonghan please listen to me" I then yanked her hand away and step back from her. She betrayed and cheated me twice yet she have the gut to turn up in front of me.

"Look I've give you a chance many times and I've listened to you many time but now? I dont and wont care anymore! Who gave you the right to come here?? Who even invited you here?" I said while crossing my arms and glaring at her. She was about to answer when someone barged in. I look up and saw another univited guess.

"I did. I invited her here." This woman will never stop. I sighed and ignored both of them.

"Don't you dare ignore me Yoon Jeonghan. There's a reason on why I invited her here." she said walking closer to me. Of course, of course there's a reason.

"I dont see any reason. So tell me why is it?"

"Easy. I invited her here for her to be introduced as your wife."

Introduced as what? This woman are real crazy. No way.

"No! I won't."

"Jeonghan, you listen to me. Don't you dare introduce that lowly girl as your wife. She will be an embarrassment to our family. You dont even know what she has done."

wait—— what?

"and what do you mean by that?" I asked her as I'm slightly confused.

" Show him, Areum." she ordered and Areum came in front of me and lifted her shirt up. I widen my eyes at the sight but what does this mean?

"It's Eunjin. S-she did this to me" Areum said while sobbing. No. Even if I dont like her, I dont believe this. From what I know, she couldnt even step on an ant, how could she did this and moreover why?

I gave a strong stare " Why would she do this to you?" I questioned as I dont believe it especially my 'mom'. " Cause she's mad at me. After you left, I've changed and apologizes to her and everyone but she can't accept it and wanted a revenge. T-thats why."

Was it really is? I was so deep in thought when she interrupt again. " if you don't believe me you can ask Rina. She's a victim too" I was about to say something when the door opened revealed Rina. She run to me and hug me tightly. I glanced to my mom and saw she's rolling her eyes and keep fanning herself.

I softly patted her back and slowly pulled away. I tried to look at her and saw tears on her eyes. I wiped it using my sleeve. "ssh..stop crying. Tell me what happened?" I said while gently caressing her soft hair.

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now