~• Part 43 •~

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Eunjin's POV

Drenching with sweats and rain, finally I arrived at the hospitals. I run to the front table still panting and panic.

"Yes Miss. How can I help you?"

"a-are there someone who just admit here because of accident?"

"Miss, this is hospitals. Sure we have a lots."

"ooh..I-I'm sorry."

oh the dumb me.

"I-I mean few minutes just now?"

"we have but may I know why you want to know? and who are you?"

"I..I..." just say it.

"I..I-I'm just a f-friend."

"Oh I'm sorry Miss but we can't tell priavte info about a patient if they are not a family."

"No! Please...! h-his name is Jeonghan. Y-Yoon Jeonghan. Please can you please check it for me??"

the nurse just stare at me as I accidentally raise my voice a little higher. She then went to her computer typing something. I was so panicked and worried that I didnt even noticed many eyes were on me. Just then she turned around and walked closer.

"I'm sorry Miss but there are no patient name Jeonghan here."

"what?!! Can't be! The one who called me said he's here. She even sent the location. Here." I took out my phone and showed it to her. The other nurse come and see the location too.

"I'm really sorry Miss but like what she told you, there are no patient name like that here."

"No! He just got into accident earlier and was admit here! The one who called me told it!"

"Miss, calm down. We've double checked it and it still not here."

"Don't lie. He's here! Does he told you to not let me in??"

"Miss please. Calm down." I look at the voice and saw it's coming from the two guards who slowly walked closer.

"No! the President is here! He's here! Let me in!" I then ran pass them all to the hallway. Since I kind make a big fuss, the guards and nurse were chasing me. I don't know why but tears was slowly falling off my eyes. Why is he not here? Isnt the one who called me said he's here? why people like to lie to me? Did he ask them to do this?

I ran everywhere and still couldn't find him. What if he's? No! No. He won't. My body was too tired with all of this that I drop on my knees crying while the guards standing behind me, getting their breath back.

"Miss, I'm sorry but the person you're looking for is not here." I heard one of them said.

"Guards! sent her out. She's disturbing the patients." the guards then pull me off the ground and drag me with them.

"No. You don't understand. He's here. I just want to see him!"

"No. You crazy woman need to get ou—"

"what happened in here?"


Jeonghan's POV

"You are one lucky guy."

"You just knew?"

"Jeonghan please be serious. You just got into an accident!"

"nahh it's nothing. Just my arms got twist."

"It's not twist you idiot. It's fractured. Your arms absorbed most of the impact and your head is not in a good condition either. It's bleeding deeply. You still need to come for a follow up after a week. Please take a good care of it."

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now