~• Part 57 •~

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⚠️ there's a slightly mature content here. You can skip the part ⚠️ if you feel uncomfortable or don't like it. Credit to my friend for that ⚠️


Jeonghan's POV

"You'll go first. I have works to do.  I'll be back later." I said and asked her to go inside. She nodded and went out of the car.

As soon as I drove away, my phone rings. I pick up.

"what again?"

"You really going to keep you promise, right?" oh this stupid human.

"Of course! We've talked about this before, idiot. Now make sure you get it or I'll kill you."

"geez relax hyung. It'll take time a little but I'll get it for sure."

"Good." I said and hung up. This people. Like I've ever broke my promises. Well..except for one person.


"President you need to sign this. And this. And also this." my secretary said and I completed all of it. She went out and closed the door. It's already 7 in the evening and I finally get a free time.

My mind went back to earlier when I eavesdropped their conversation.


"184. 184 please come to the counter." Finally. I'm getting impatient here. It's my hospital but I wonder why do I need to queue up with them? I walked to the counter and took all the medicine written in the prescription and went back to the room before. I was about to knock when I heard the talking.

"Understandable and did you still took the pill?" I heard the doctor asked.

"I-I do but! only sometime not everyday...when my mind was a messed.."

and she answered. But wait, pill?? what pill?? is she dying? I continue to listen.

"did you have any appointment on it? I mean if you don't and want one, I can help you."

"It's okay. I already have one but it's not really an appointment." and now an appointment too? the pill, the appointment..what actually happened? I don't want to listen it further. I can't. I need to know. I need to know it myself. In my own way. I walked away and fished my phone out dialling numbers. After a few rings it finally being pick.


"It's me. Jeonghan."

"aahh hyung. It's weird that you suddenly call me." he said and made my eyes rolled.

"Whatever. Listen, I need you to do something for me.." he chuckle as soon as I said that and it made me frowned.

"I knew it. What is it? Say it."

"You know the girl I bring home before? Park Eunjin" I said and he hummed.

"Well I want you to find what happened to her about  four or five years ago. Can you do that?" I asked and I can feel his smirking on the other side.

"Sure. It's easy peasy but what do you have for me in return?" he suddenly asked. He really...Facepalmed myself while releasing a deep sigh before asking him again.

"What do you want?" I asked and he laughed.

"Your car." he answered and made my blood boil.

"Are you fcking kidding me?! Woozi you don't even have a license to start with and you want my car?!"

"Geez. Relax. Why so serious? I was just joking. Well actually...I want a..house."

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now