~•Part 8•~

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I'm strong. I can do it. I can do it! Fighting!

Been practicing and motivated myself everyday to keep myself strong but it was not easy. Jeonghan act like we've never met or knew each other.

He keep ordering me to do this and that, here and there for the whole day. It almost two months now since I started working here.

He surely has his secretary but instead he keep ordering me to do it. I prepared all his papers, organized the files and document. Records minutes of meetings and appointments for every meetings. He never once used his secretary unless it really emergency to him.

Scolding and screaming? Of course, it happened everyday. I did learned when I was studying but it's just different when applied it in a real life.

"Morning" I greet them with a smile as I'm walking to my office room.

"Morning but wait" Saeri said stopping me in my track.

"What is it?" I asked back. Saeri is one of the senior staff here. She's very respected here even to Jeonghan.

"Just want to you to be careful. President Yoon are already in his room and his mood is not that good. So take care" she said glancing at his room

"Ah alright. I will and thank you" I said back slightly bowed and went to my room.

Not long after I heard he called me.

"Miss Park!" His voice are so loud that it bring echo in the whole building.

I stood up and immediately went to his room.

"Yes President Yoon" I greet and standing in front of his desk.

He fixed his glass and lifted his head up.

"Did you bring the file that I asked?" He asked while stacking up the papers in front of him.

"Yes, here it is" I gave it to him and he took it without even looking at me.

Few seconds after, he suddenly throw the file on the table harshly that made me jumped. He looked at me pissed.

"This" he pointed to the file.

"This is not the file that I asked for Miss Park!" He took it and throw it again but this time at me.

I took it from the floor and check it again. Everything he asked was all here...what's wrong again..?

"I-I'm sorry t-to say this b-but this is the f-file that y-you asked f---" I didn't get to finish what I said when he cut me off.

"Stop stuttering for god sake!" He said glaring hard at me while standing at his desk, hands on his waist.

"Check back! That's not the file! Now go and bring the real one" He ordered me with angered filled his eyes.

I just nodded and rush to get the files. How come it's wrong? Where did I put it? My god save me!

Where is it where is it where is---

Found it!

I entered his office again with another file. He was standing in front of his desk analyzing the papers on it.

"P-President Yoon, here's the file" He look at me and gestured me to come near to where his standing at.

I walked to him and gave the file. As he's looking at it, I stood there looking everywhere but him when suddenly I heard a harsh sound coming from his table. I lifted my head only to see that he already looking at me intensely with his both hand inside his pocket.

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now