~• Part 61 •~

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Wonwoo's POV

The fried rice indeed was so good. I even refill my plate. She's indeed good at making one. Finish eating, I got up and went to wash the plates. She hasn't be back here after following that guy. What took she so long?

Dust off my hands with the towel before went out to find her. I called but she didn't answered. I walk to the living room.

"eun, what took you so—"

what's in front of me right now are a thing I've never expected to see. It does shocked me. He kissed her?? It makes me mad. What happened while I'm gone? am I gone for too long? I don't want to watch it but I don't know why my feet seems like it got glued to the floor. Seeing this does break my heart.

After a while they finally stop and Jeonghan went out. Working I guess. She close the door before turning around and got greet by none other but me. She look shocked. Her eyes widen and she fiddling with her hands. I know that look.

"w-wo-won...h-hw-how long..y-you've been st—"

"long enough to see everything." I cut her off and went back to the kitchen.

"I-I can explain." she said followed behind me.

"what's to explain? I've saw it all. And oh, Congratulations!" I said and pick my bag up ready to walk when she stop me.

"why are you mad?" she asked. Really?

"you asked me why? Eun, if you don't realized he just kissed you"

"I-I know.." I put my bag down and hold onto her shoulders.

"then, why asking? In case you forget, he hurt you so badly yet you let him easily do that to you?"

"h-he apologized...an..and—"

"oh! just because he already apologized, he can do that to you?" I asked and she kept her head down.

"y-you don't understand..and it-it's not like that..we—"

"if it's not like that then what? we what?"  I asked trying to control my anger.

"we're good now" she answered and make me taken aback.

"good? what do you mean?" I asked confused.

"we're reconciled..(?).." she state but more like a question.

"you what??!" I asked shocked with the answer. She still held her head down. I took a deep breath.

"so just because you reconciled he can do that?? eun have you forgot?"

"No. I didn't forget it but I was...I was just...I want to give him a second chance.."

"second chance??" I asked back and scoffed before continue

"eun, he doesn't deserves to even see you! Moreover a second chance."


"You seriously out of your mind." I cut her right away when she's about to speak. She keep her head back down again. Seriously what she's thinking? second chance? to him? sighed.

"you said that you won't go back with him no matter what happened but what now? You know what? just do whatever the hell you want. I'm out!" I grab my bag and went towards the door.

"but won—"

"I don't care! Just do what you want!" I shouted without turning around and drive away. I am mad. She didn't hold onto her own words. How can she do that? He hurt her badly yet here she is. Does she really loves him that much that she let him? Second chance my ass. Well..we'll see how it'll turn then. Just watch.

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now