~• Part 47 •~

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Few days passed since the incident and everything went back to normal. Well at least. It sometimes appear in my sleep and it does make me trembled a lot. Wonwoo finally knew about it. He keep apologizing for not being there cause he already leaves because of a family problem.

I did feel a little bit mad at him for leaving me but it's understandable cause it was a family matters. Everything is the same except for one person.

The way he treated me is even more confusing now. One seconds he was nice but the one seconds he was cold. One seconds he was so lovely but one seconds he was so cruel. I just can't understand him. He's back to his old self. It's like he's having split personalities.

I was now on my way back to home with the driver he sent me. He doesn't want me to take a cab nor ride with Wonwoo. It's already 9 in the evening when I arrived. I then enter the house and smell something delicious.

Walking into the kitchen and found a pasta being served on the table. It's a bolognese. It looks so appetizing. "Thought you didn't know way back home." was what he said before taking a seat and digging up on the pasta. I just scoffed at him.

I was about to leave when he speak again. "Just eat it if you want." To be honest I really want it but since it's him who cooked it...I was contemplating but decided to just eat and go. He just smirked while continue to eat.


It's indeed delicious but I wont tell him. I was just finished taking a bath and was drying my hair when the door burst opened. It does make me flinch. Looking back and saw it's him.

"Here. Give it to Wonwoo tomorrow and tell him I want it back before this week ends." He then throw the papers on the table before slamming the door back. What is his problem? Why he's always mad?

I was laying on my bed and closed me eyes trying to sleep when I suddenly remembered what happened that day. That day where the day we kissed.

The way how he looked at me. The way how he hold me in his arms. The way how my heart beating so fast. The way how I feel butterflies swarming all over my stomach. The way how my face feels hot and burns. The way his lips feels on mine...

Oh shut it again! Why do I keep remembered it? I hate him and I'm still mad at him. And he even said it was a mistakes. Means it's nothing to him. I need to forget about it. Closing my eyes tightly again and trying to sleep for real this time.


Morning greet faster than I want. Opening my eyes and saw it's already 9 in the morning??! oh god I'm late! I quickly got up and taking a bath and quickly dash off to office. Wonwoo will surely be mad at me.

"umm sir? can you please drive a little quick?" I asked the taxi driver and he just nodded. The driver he sent me was nowhere to be seen that's why I have to take a taxi. After about 25 minutes, I finally arrived. I quickly paid him and got off, running to the door.

As soon as I reached there, the door was still locked. The whole building seems to be empty. What's going on? Why is there no one here? I look back at the address and yes, it's correct. What happened? There's no guard here too. Ah maybe they're in the parking lot.

I slowly walked there and gratefully found one. "Excuse me Sir." I called and he turned back smiling. "Yes Miss."

"I'm sorry but it's almost 10 now. Why the office door is still locked? and where is everyone?"

"ah did you forget Miss? Today is Saturday. The office is close on weekend." he then laughed a little.

It's saturday today? gosh how can I forget what day is today..people must be laughing at me right now. I just smile a little at him and said thank you.

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now