Chapter Twenty-Nine - Shane

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Shane’s POV

I don’t remember much after confiding in Kier about my past, allowing myself to relax completely in the comfort of his hold and falling asleep. Surprisingly, for once, there were no nightmares; simply darkness. I couldn’t tell you what I dreamt of, if I even dreamt at all. Yet, I felt a sense of calm wash over me while I rested, allowing the dark circles imbedded around my eyes to slowly ease up, finally making myself to look a little more healthier.

When I finally woke u pit was still daylight, yet I wasn’t sure on which day it was until my eyes met with Kier’s own. His eyes had always fascinated me. They were bright, sparkling, and practically oozed with infectious happiness which was almost impossible to fight against.

“G’morning, Sleepyhead.” I heard his smooth voice chuckle out, already causing my cheeks to dust with a faint pink.

I could only groan incoherently in response, finding my form too heavy from my deep slumber to politely respond to his words.

“You slept all through the night.” He informed me, chuckling a little more and I couldn’t help but smile lazily up at him; I’d hate to think how ridiculous I looked at that moment – my hair ruffled and eyes half-lidded. Yet, he didn’t appear to comment on it, merely shuffling closer to me and kissing me gently. I’d never get over how amazing he was at kissing, never failing to make me dazed as we pulled away. “So, Sleepy…” Kier mumbled as we pulled back, his beautiful smile still etched across his lips. "Anything you have in mind of what you’d like to do today?”

I shook my head gently; Honestly, I didn’t mind as long as I was with him.

“Good.” The redhead replied, instantly causing my eyebrows to crease as a wave of confusion washed over with me. “I have something I’d like to do.”

“W-What…” I mumbled, unable to mask the slight fear I had at whatever Kier had in mind; I found his words and enthusiastic expression a little unsettling. After all, there was nothing in this house that could possibly make him so excited – which meant we had to go outside.

“Don’t look so afraid, Shaney,” Kier whispered, shushing me softly with a small peck on the cheek. “You’ll be fine; now go and get washed, okay?”

I nodded slowly; a little cautious as I untangled myself from his form and shuffled from my bedroom, glancing back over at Kier for a second before I’d turned the corner completely.

Upon entering the bathroom I glanced in the mirror, trying frantically to rid of any knots that had built up during the night before I removed my clothing and stepped into the shower. I sighed softly as I turned the water on, allowing the jet of warm water to sooth any anxiety I was previously feeling and a small smile to form gracefully on my lips. Washing my hair and body quite quickly I stood still for a few minutes, wanting to prolong my time in the warm before turning off the water and wrapping my bare form in a towel. It was only at that point did I realise I forgot to bring clean clothes, causing my eyes to widen in embarrassment and my cheeks to redden. I stood nibbling on the corner of my towel for multiple minutes until gathering the confidence to open the bathroom door, planning on speeding into my bedroom and grabbing the first clothes in sight until I glanced down. There lay a pile of clean clothes, a small note placed on top which read; ‘Silly Shaney – Kier x’. I released a small giggle, my cheeks reddening significantly more before I grabbed the items and retreated back into the bathroom, getting dried and dressed as quickly as humanely possible.

I eventually left the bathroom, my hair wet and ruffled as I hurried back into the bedroom, finding Kier lying down on a made bed, one of my books in hand as he read the blurb.

“Are all of your books horror themed?” He asked lightly as I wandered in, glancing up at me as I closed the door behind me.

I merely nodded slightly, followed by a gentle shrug.

Kier hummed, putting the book down on the bed before standing and wandering over to me, taking my hands in his own which were previously playing with the strings of my hoodie.

“W-Where are we going?” I mumbled out, unable to hide my nerves for Kier’s plan any longer; I didn’t want to go anywhere. I was much safer in here.

“Don’t overthink things so much.” Kier whispered in response, his thumbs gently running over the soft skin of my hands, causing my worries to fade slightly at the soothing movement. “I was only hoping to take you into the garden.”

I knew it; He was trying to ‘help’ me. I frantically shook my head, gulping a little loudly than expected while I attempted to prise my hands out of my boyfriend’s tight grasp. “N-No…” I stuttered, voice high and fuelled by panic.

“Shane, please stay calm.” He whispered, holding only my hands a little tighter. “Nothing is going to happen; you won’t even have to step outside.” I shook my head more. “I’ll just open the door; you need at least a little fresh air.”

I whined, trying to block out his words until he released my hands and quickly wrapped them around my waist, locking me firmly in his hold. “P-Please…” I croaked, desperate to either escape or his understanding. “I-I can’t go outside.”
“Two seconds.” Kier offered, his voice smooth and calm even when I felt so fearful. “I’ll open the door and then I’ll close it again whenever you tell me to… You won’t have to step outside.”

I felt myself tremble in his arms, my lower lip trapped firmly between my teeth as I settled for a small nod; Anything to keep him happy – and hopefully stop him from speaking of it. “I-I’m not standing near it… I-I just want to see…”  

He nodded, his smile soft and assured as he kissed my damp forehead. “Thank you.”

I could only nod, the fear building with every passing second; I couldn’t cope with this. It was too soon. 

You & I [Kier/Shane]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora