Chapter Thirty-Eight - Kier

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Kier's POV

Once I closed my bedroom door behind me, I allowed myself to release my previously suppressed sobs. I'd ruined everything. Tears fell from my eyes at a rapid rate as I made a grab for my suitcase, frantically throwing items of clothing into it, followed by any other belongings that were littering the room while having to wipe my watery eyes on my shirt on occasion.

However, my time alone was short lived as the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door sounded from behind me. Taking a deep breath I wiped my eyes once more, running a hand through my knotted fringe before calling to the knocker to enter. At the sound of the door opening I turned my head to take a glance, immediately shooting my eye line back to my case as Drew entered the room; I knew immediately how this conversation would go. Shane would have told him as soon as I'd left his room.

"You alright?" I heard him mumble, from assumedly near my door; The direction of his voice came from behind me. I could only nod in response, unable to compose myself enough to speak; I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of letting him see me upset.

"Really? I'm glad." He continued, voice appearing to be suddenly more low and menacing. "Because I've just been sat comforting Shane."

I swallowed with difficulty at hearing of Shane's current state, my head dropping lower while my hands began to tremble. "H... H-How is he now?" I struggled to ask, desperate to hear exactly what my intolerable actions had caused.

"Terrible," was Drew's only reply, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut tightly for a moment. I could only imagine how much I hurt him. "Yet, you're in here."

"I-I..." I began to explain, yet stopped myself as my voice faded out immediately. I had no excuse for my acts.

"Well?" Drew murmured and I heard him take a step forwards, his shoes tapping against the floorboards. "Aren't you going to be a good boyfriend and go comfort him?"

I timidly shook my head, throwing the last of my possessions into my suitcase and zipping it up quickly. "H-He... He wouldn't want to see me..." was my small excuse, still not bringing myself to meet Drew's eyes; They'd only be filled with hate.

"He only wants to see you." He practically growled in response, and I suddenly felt his presence to my left, cause me to turn away and grab my jacket from it's place behind the door. "You don't seem to realise just how much Shane loves you."

"I know exactly how much he loves me," I replied, shrugging the garment on while turning to face him, being met with a venomous glare from the shorter male. "And believe me, I love him too, but I don't deserve him."

"Oh, shut the fuck up, you self-obsessed idiot!" He snarled, his hands curling into fists at his sides. " Shane doesn't deserve this, let alone what you think you deserve! He needs you, and doing this will destroy him... and I refuse to see him like that because of someone like you."

"Someone like me?!" I cried out, flicking my hair from my eyes while shoving my jacket hands into my pockets, resisting the urge to launch myself at the man before me; He had no right to assume who I was.

"This isn't about you!" Drew snapped, growling loudly before he stormed towards me, shoving me towards the nearest wall, his hand tightly gripping the fabric of my jacket as he held me into place with a surprising amount of strength. I released a loud hitched breath, eyes wide while I attempted to prise his form away. "Stop." He grunted and I complied instantly, fully aware that in this position rebelling was pointless. "Shane fucking loves you, Kier. Running away isn't going to solve anything."

"It's bloody better than facing him again." I scoffed; Running away was all I knew how to do. It's all I've ever done.

Drew growled once more, pulling me back slightly and shoving me towards the wall once more in a sudden spurt of anger. "You're fucking staying, Kier! No matter how much I hate your guts I can't let you just walk out of his life!" It was only at this point that I realised he was crying, the tears rapidly trickling down his cheeks. Yet, his glare was hard and his shoves as violent as ever.

"You know," I spat, becoming frustrated with his actions as I attempted to shove him away once more and failing. "I've never understood why you hate me so much until now."

"It's because you're a prized prick!" He exclaimed as I managed to remove him from me, shoving him backwards before brushing down the creases from my jacket.

I scoffed at his response, shaking my head before giving him the largest smirk I could muster in my slightly anxious state. "It's because I was with Shane, wasn't it?"

"Shut the fuck up!" He replied with loudly, lunging himself at my and striking me across the face with his curled fist, causing me to release a cry of pain at the sharp impact. One blow was followed by another and it wasn't long before I was lent against the wall, cowering away while Drew continued to shout and throw punches, every hit more painful than the last.

"Drew!" I suddenly heard a loud cry, and the violence halted instantly. "S-Stand down." The stutter immediately placed a name to the voice, but it only made everything hurt more. Drew took a step back, yet I could still hear his growls clearly, causing me to release a breathy chuckle as I pressed my back against the wall while sliding down it gently. I had no strength left to stand; I'd managed to block a few of Drew's punches fairly easily, but what had reached me was impressively strong.

Shane placed a hand on Drew's shoulder as he shuffled passed him, crouching down at my side while tucking my fringe behind my ear and revealing to him my injuries. Behind his composed exterior I knew I'd hurt him deeply; his eyes were ringed with red, his cheeks stained with tears while his lower lip wobbled on occasion. I could only guess what the sight of my packed bags did to him.

"I'll clean you up; your nose is heavily bleeding..." He whispered to me, a gentle hand stroking across my cheek and I couldn't help but lean into it to feel him there further. "And then I want you to leave, okay?"

I nodded slightly, the tears returning.

You & I [Kier/Shane]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora