Chapter Forty-Eight - Kier

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Kier's POV

It didn't take me long to pack and leave my flat, making sure to ignore any messages my manager or fellow models sent; they'd find out where I ran off too soon enough, and by that time it wouldn't matter, because I'd already be back with him.

Around three hours later I was high up in the air, watching the sun rise around the plane while hundreds of other passengers slept around me. I couldn't bring myself to sleep, too anxious to even think of sleeping when I knew by the time I awoke I'd be back in the UK, hurrying off to see Shane's face again and probably face rejection once more.

Woolsifer: He had a nightmare again, woke up screaming.

I released a sad, soft sigh, resting the side of my head on my hand while gazing out at the small window of the plane, my free hand clutching my mobile phone illuminated by Drew's message.

Kier: How's he doing now?

Woolsifer: Beats me. He won't leave his room, and won't even talk to me about it...

Kier: Keep him safe, I'll let you know when we're close to landing.

Locking my phone I tucked it away in my jacket pocket before returning my gaze to the window, watching the sun rise while attempting to calm myself before the storm. I knew my return probably wouldn't do Shane any good; it'd just remind him of the pain I'd caused him before, but I knew I had to try, for both Drew and Shane's sake. Drew had said that Shane needed me, that he was lost and broken now I wasn't around, but something pulled in the back of my brain that he was lying. Why would Shane need me after everything I'd put him through? Why would anyone need an obnoxious cheater like myself? I wouldn't make his life any better, or cure him of all his fears; I'd make him worse. Although, I dedicated my entire last trip to England to helping Shane been his phobia and leave the house, which was proved to be possible, I still managed to fuck it up within twelve hours. I'd ruined his hard work and dragged him all the way back to square one; back to nightmares, tears and isolation, who in their right mind would take me back after that?

"Sir, Is everything okay?" I heard a soft voice beside me, alerting me to my surroundings. I turned towards the source, being met with an older blonde woman smiling kindly while offering me a tissue. It wasn't until she gestured to my face that I felt the light tears falling from my eyes, causing me to return the smile sheepishly before taking the item and drying the surface of my cheeks.

"T-Thank you," I croaked out, only just realising how sore my throat was due to my pain.

"It's quite alright, dear," was her response, my smile strengthening at her act of kindness. "Is everything okay?" She repeated, causing me to nod slowly in response.

"Yes, Thank you," I replied, clearing my throat beforehand. "J-Just thinking."

She nodded once in understanding, waving down a hostess for a cup of water, which she gracefully passed to me. "It must have been very important too you if it makes you like this."

"Yes," was my whispered response, placing the wet tissue in my lap while I slowly sipped at my drink. "He is."

The woman 'oh'ed slightly, causing me to release a small chuckle. "boyfriend trouble?" She asked, causing my smile to drop slightly, regardless of how happy I was at her open-mindedness of the situation.

"Well, e-ex boyfriend trouble really..." I mumbled, shrugging it off and glancing out the window before returning my gaze to her. "I-I live in America while he's in London, you see," I explained, feeling oddly comfortable telling this woman about my insecurities. "I-I made a mistake and now I'm trying to do something about it; I just hope he'd be willing to listen when I get there."

"Well, if I was in his position," She replied after taking a moment in thought. "I'd be a little cautious, you said you made a mistake?" I nodded, a small frown resting on my lips at the memory of his reaction. "Well, yes, I'd be cautious, in fear of this 'mistake' happening again... but I'd also take the fact you're making this journey into account too... You're doing a good thing, Dear, not many guys would do this for someone you're no longer with."

Her words caused a small smile to grace my lips, appreciative that someone recognised the good I was trying to do. "He's worth it."

"What's he like?" She asked me softly, appearing to notice my change in expression whenever I mentioned him.

"His name is Shane," I began, shuffling up in my chair slightly to sit straighter. "He's about my height, blond and he sweeps his hair over his eyes when he's feeling a little shy; it's really adorable! And, umm, he always wears these over-sized shirts that are huge on him, but he still manages to make them work, and, aww! You should see him when he hasn't got his glasses on! It's the cutest thing ever when you see him squinting at all the furniture in attempt to find them," I giggled happily at the memories of each morning, lying in his bed while watching him blindly shuffle around the room. Admittedly, sometimes, I'd hide them just to see him like that. A small blush rested on my cheeks while reliving these moments, loving every second I thought of a happier Shane.

"He sounds like a dream, Sweetie." She chuckled in response, her hand on my arm to turn my concentration back to her.

I laughed slightly along with her, nodding frantically. "He really is."

Around an hour later the plane had landed and we were allowed to leave, meaning I thanked and wished the sweet woman I was beside a good day before heading in the direction of finding my suitcase, my hands shaking slightly in both nerves and excitement. Upon eventually finding my bag I pulled my phone out of my pocket, finding Drew's contact and sending him a quick text, before attempting to find him;

Kier: I've arrived.

Drew was quick to respond, confirming my rising suspicions that he was impatiently waiting for me.

Woolsifer: Car park C. Look for the van. 

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