Chapter Thirty-Three - Shane

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Shane’s POV

Spending the short amount of time outside with Kier was more perfect than I could possibly imagine; it was utterly breathtaking. The sunlight was warm and comforting on my skin while Kier’s own body warm cuddled me tightly. His lips were softer than ever before while his hands crept under my shirt - making my cheeks redden - to soothingly stroke along my skin. Honestly, Kier was slowly becoming the love of my life; he was saving me more and more each day. I don’t know what I’d do without him. 

However, smiling widely with Kier and having him whisper sweet nothings into my ear didn’t sooth me for long, as when I glanced back over towards the back door my eyes recognised the small form of Drew, staring over at us with his arms folded tight against his chest; I didn’t truly understand why he appeared so against my recovery - or why Kier was the one to assist me seemed to frustrate him further. Admittedly, Drew had attempted to help in the past, but I was never ready; Kier, on the other hand, settled me. He made me feel as if it was possible, I never felt like that with Drew. I’m ready now. 

“Kee?” I voiced in a whisper, turning my face away from my friend to hide it in my boyfriend’s neck. I received a soft hum in response, his hand trailing higher up my back. “Drew’s watching us.” I wasn’t being rude or ‘snitching’ on him; I was simply curious of what Kier thought about it. 

He chuckled lightly, his head glancing in the direction of the house before his attention returned to me. “He’s probably just checking you’re okay.” He replied in a matching tone to me own, yet I felt him hold me a little more tightly.

“I’m fine.” I mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to the visible skin of my boyfriend’s neck.

“I know you are; You’re my strong Shaney.” 

I couldn’t help but giggle, falling in love with the word ‘my’ that fell from Kier’s lips. It wasn’t possessive, just protective; and I loved that. 

Eventually, Kier and I headed back inside, finding the ground to be a little too chilly while stood in bare feet. However, we didn’t move until we were certain Drew wasn’t watching; I wasn’t in the right mindset to cope with one of my friend’s ‘Interrogation’s right now. I sat at the breakfast bar while Kier made us both a mug of hot chocolate and a slice of toast before he (thankfully) led me back upstairs and into my bedroom. 

“I’m so proud of you, Shaney,” Kier commented as we were sat on my bed opposite eachother and nibbling on our buttered toast, his smile bright and welcoming.

My head tilted as a response while I swallowed my meal, finding his sudden outburst a little confusing. Admittedly, things were slightly overwhelming right now; Everything was changing.  I knew it was for the best though, I couldn’t live the way I was forever, and I was certain that placing my trust in Kier was a good decision.

“I haven’t done anything...” I mumbled once my meal was finished, moving to place my plate and mug on the closest free space I had before crawling up to Kier. He was lying back against my pillows by now, one hand placed behind his head to rest on. 

“You have, much more than you realise.” He replied softly, giving me a gentle smile as I rested my head on his stomach, turning my eyes to stare up at the ceiling. “You don’t stutter much around me anymore, and you show me those beautiful eyes on occasion.” His hand moved to my hair, running his fingers through the patch that wasn’t buried between our forms. I was about to protest but he continued. “Admittedly, the fact you still hide your hands in your sleeves worries me on occasion, but after earlier; I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of you.” 

My cheeks glowed a rosy red, a small smile gracing my lips as I welcomed my pride; I had actually done something good. Someone was proud of me. 

However, something Kier had said rung through my mind, causing my eyebrows to crease in concern. 

“Why does the fact I hide my hands unnerve you?” I asked softly, not wanting to give my boyfriend a single reason to worry. 

Kier hummed thoughtfully in response, twirling a portion of my hair through his fingers. “I just worry that you’re hiding something from me; I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to hide away from me.” 

I smiled slightly, followed by a small chuckle. “Don’t over-think it.” was my response,  raising my hands and pushing my sleeves back to reveal the pale skin of my large hands. “It’s just a habit; it makes me feel safe.” I had no idea what was running through his mind but I wanted to kill any anxiety immediately. 

I kept my hands raised for a moment, allowing Kier to assess them before lowering them once more and turning my head in his direction, smiling comfortingly. He pressed a kiss to two of his fingers before lowering them to my forehead; his way of kissing me while I was too far away. 

“I’m sorry for over-thinking it.” He whispered, returning his hand to my hair. “You have beautiful hands.” 

My nose scrunched up at the compliment, shaking my head while staring up at him. “No, I don’t;” I disagreed. “They’re big and I have too long fingers.” Admittedly, it was something I was majorly self conscious about; I hated my hands.

Kier’s eyes widened in response, his hand moving from my hair to grip my own trembling one, entwining the digits. “Don’t be silly,” He mumbled softly. “You hands are perfect; just like the rest of you.” 

I shook my head, falling into silence for a moment. I couldn’t understand how Kier seemed to be able to think so positively, so easily. It amazed me. 

“How do you do it?” I asked in whisper, moving myself so I was huddled into Kier’s side, feeling the need to be held by the man. 

“Do what, Honey?” He replied in the same tone, running a hand down my back while I rested my hand flat on his chest.

“Be so positive all the time; I can’t do it.” I mumbled, voice low and glum.

I felt Kier’s eyes stare down at me, yet I didn’t look upwards to meet them, merely lying still and waiting patiently for a response. 

“With great difficulty.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to my crown. 

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