Chapter Twenty - Kier

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Kier’s POV

As I entered the house I knew immediately that something wasn’t quite right. Upon walking through the house I was immediately hit with a wave of anger and fear; the curtains still drawn in each room and not a single person in sight. It looked like it was still early morning, like around 3am where you’re always afraid of walking down stairs in fear of what might be lurking in the shadows. Turning back to Laurence he merely smiled at me and locked the front door behind him, heading straight into the kitchen to start boiling the kettle. I followed him through, not before placing my bags beside the main door, then grabbed the mugs for him.

“Luke’s got work today,” He informed me, as if he knew I what I was thinking about the current looming atmosphere. “Not sure whether Shane and Drew are up yet.”

My mood was suddenly lifted at the mere mention of my blond, nodding as calmly as possible when in fact my heart was beating faster than normal. “I-I see.” I stuttered out when Laurence gave me a questioning look, causing him to chuckle.

He then told me to make myself comfortable, meaning I headed into the living room with plans to watch some music TV, only to be met with a groggy looking blond curled up on the sofa; awake but in surprising silence.

“O-Oh,” I stumbled, jumping back slightly when my eyes met his. “Hey, Drew. It’s nice to see you again.” I continued, much more calmly and politely when I only received a small grunt in reply. I nodded, a little taken aback and moved to open the curtains, determined to let some light into the gloomy room. Looking back at Drew I saw him squint and move to sit appropriately on the chair as Laurence walked in, greeting his friend and receiving a similar grunt in reply as my own.

“Stop moping, Drew,” My raven haired friend replied with a heavy sigh, sitting himself beside him. “Shane will come around eventually.”
My attention spam rose immediately at the sound of Shane’s name, enthusiastically moving to sit in the armchair close by and listen out for any more information. “What’s wrong with Shane?” I asked, knowing it wasn’t exactly my place to know but I couldn’t sit around when Shane might be in need of help.

“None of your business.” Drew snapped in reply, giving me what appeared to be a hard glare while Laurence hit his arm, telling him to watch his mouth.

“He and Shane had an argument.” Laurence informed me, and I shot forward in my seat quickly, causing Drew’s glare to only sharpen. For some reason I always seemed to do something to annoy that man, yet right now I couldn’t care less why.

“Is he okay?” I asked, hearing a frustrated sight from the blond but I didn’t care, looking over at Laurence as I knew he would be the only person to answer me.

“I haven’t seen him since it happened,” He mumbled, shrugging slightly.

“He missed dinner too.” Drew eventually piped up and I nodded in thanks, jumping up from my position on the armchair and sped up the stairs to where I remembered Shane’s room to be. I needed to make sure he was okay, and if he wasn’t, maybe my arrival might cheer him up slightly.

When I first knocked on the door I was met with a small, croaky voice shouting at me to leave and I picked up on an even tinier ‘Drew’.

“Shane?” I called, a little louder to make sure that if Shane was hiding under his bed covers or something along those lines, that he’d still hear me clearly. “It’s Kier, can I come in?”

The noticeable gasp as I mentioned my name caused a small smile to grace my lips, hearing a loud ‘okay’ before I entered the room, closing the door firmly shut behind me. I was met with the memorable dark room, various pieces of paper and clothes littering the floor while old coffee mugs covered any table room. His curtains and blinds were still drawn shut, causing an already clotted room to look even smaller but there was a small table lamp beside the bed on, something that I’d learnt signalised that Shane was in fact awake if you couldn’t see him.

Moving over to the bed I sat myself down beside a lump in the sheets which I assumed to be Shane hiding beneath.

“Hey, Shaney,” I whispered, giggling softly at the use of the nickname I gave him. “Is everything okay?”

It took a long period of silence before Shane’s head remerged from the sheets, a small blond tuft of hair rising out first before his face met my gaze. He was still as beautiful in person as I remembered. No matter how beautiful he looked however, I still couldn’t shake away the pain in his eyes or the sniffles sounding from his form.

“H-Hey, Kier,” He whispered, and my smile grew. I had almost forgotten his small stutter whenever he spoke to me. “I-I wasn’t e-expecting you here y-yet...”

I chuckled and shrugged, looking down at him with almost loving eyes. I was so happy to finally be back here; he made me never want to leave. “Couldn’t stay away for too long.” I whispered, only receiving a small smile in response, instead of the little chuckle I was hoping for. Shane sniffled again and I jumped up from the bed before opening the covers and moving in beside him, my arm cautiously wrapping around Shane’s waist in hopes of comforting him.

“Is this okay?” I asked softly, not wanting to ever push him away again. Luckily, he nodded and I smiled, relaxing my arm against Shane’s warm body and cuddling slightly into his side.

“Do you want to talk about what happened between you and Drew?” I asked yet another question, desperate to help in any way I can.

“H-How do y-you know a-about that?” Shane asked gently, and I swore I felt him turn towards me slightly, his form not as tense as before.

“Drew’s downstairs looking a little sorry for himself.”
“H-He is?” Shane mumbled, and I nodded, him following suit shortly afterwards. “G-Good.”
We fell into silence after that and I was okay with it; I found the silence calming rather than awkward. It wasn’t until I heard a shaky sigh and I began to rub gentle circles into Shane’s waist when we spoke once more.

“I-I’m s-so glad y-you’re here…” Shane whispered, finally turning towards me completely and wrapping an arm around my neck as he rested his head against my chest.

“I’m glad I’m here too.” I whispered softly in reply, allowing myself to release a gentle sigh in content. 

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