Chapter Forty-Five - Drew

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Drew's POV

Since Kier's final goodbye and, hopefully, his departure back to America, Shane and I's once crumbling relationship has been dramatically repairing. Things were gradually returning back to normal, meaning I worked a few evenings a week while Shane stayed safely in his room until I returned and he'd stay by my side until the early hours before heading off to bed; then repeat. Although, from the time Kier had been here and left I've noticed a remarkable difference in the taller man, not most of it fairly positive either. During the time Kier had been here, Shane had been talkative, I'd guess you could say; not terribly so, but enough for him to be able to put forward his opinion of matters he was passionate about, but now; it was as if the redhead had never set foot in the building. Shane was reserved again, ignoring the majority of personal questions and only ever answering me if it was something that couldn't be answered with a nod or shake of his drooping head.

There were positives however, Shane was near again. Although, I may seem jealous or selfish; I'm happy he's gone. When Kier was around, Shane was almost always at his side, meaning him and I had drifted dramatically, to the point where on some days we didn't even have the chance greet each other a 'good morning' or 'have a nice day'. Now, from 9am through to 3pm on work days Shane was at my side, from making breakfast to cleaning the house, and video games to naps on the living room sofa; Shane was there, whispering, drawing and snuggled into my side. I couldn't help but be overjoyed by the return of my best friend, loving the feeling of our forms touching while he spoke gently to me, and only me, but the one thing that would make this whole situation 10x better, would be if he smiled. I haven't seen him smile in so long, not since Kier was here and they'd share soft kisses over the dinner table. I want to be able to do what he did so easily; I want to be able to make him smile so carefree, like he was ten years old again, but no matter how hard I try I only get a half one, one that tells me he isn't alright at all.

All I want is for him to be happy, but with me. Not Kier, or anyone else for that matter. I want him to be mine, smiling and wanting to be around me; not giving me fake smiles in hopes of me leaving satisfied with his answer.

Releasing a deep sigh I moved from the living room sofa, giving Luke and Laurence a small smile and nod before heading into the kitchen to make Shane his morning cup of tea. It was a regular routine for us now, me making him a drink before attempting to pull him from the bed and demand for him to wash and dress before joining us all downstairs. Usually, he'd protest, claiming he was feeling unwell or hadn't slept meaning he was unable to leave his bedroom. I never bought it, and 9 times out of 10, I was right.

Once Shane's drink was made I crept up the stairs, cautious of waking the man before I'd entered the room and heading towards his closed door, knocking three times gently before slipping through a small opening and entering the room. Shane was buried under a mountain of thick sheets, a small tuft of blond hair poking out on his pillow while muffled snores filled the silence. His curtains were closed as usual, meaning the room was as dark as it would have been at 2am.

"Shane?" I called gently, placing the mug on his bedside table before gently shaking where I assumed his shoulder would be.

He responded with a low groan, a small muffled 'No' following and I watched as the pile of blankets move slightly, signalling he turned over beneath.

"Shane..." I sung, a large smile growing on my lips at his resistance. "I have tea... and a fun day idea."

Stifling chuckles I watched as the quilt was pushed down slightly, revealing the tired expression my best friend was wearing.

"What is it?" He grumbled, pushing himself up in a seating position and making a grab for the mug on the table.

"Well, you need some new jeans so I thought we could pop out for a few hours?" I suggested, deciding to abuse the fact that Shane was able to leave the house on occasion nowadays; I hated buying clothes for him - I never knew what he'd prefer to wear.

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