Chapter Forty-Three - Shane

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Shane's POV

Not once did I stop walking; Not once did I bother to turn my head around to see if he was still following me or calling my name in frantic attempts to hear his petty excuses. I couldn't deal with it anymore; I needed him to stop, just stop and leave me alone now. The damage had been done. I wasn't entirely sure why this hurt so much, we weren't together; He wasn't mine to be so protective over. He was free to do what he wishes with other people; isn't that what he wanted since the beginning? To be able to 'fool' around with others without me tying him down and locking him up? If that was all true, then why was he chasing after me instead of grinding against that blonde?

"Shane, please!" I heard Kier's desperate cry as the cool air of the outdoors hit my face, the bright lights of the club finally leaving my strained eyes as I escaped from the building. I had no idea where Drew had ran off to, but I had no intention of trying to find him either; He'd just make things worse right now.

"Please, Shane! Just give me a chance to explain!" He whined once more, causing me to release a frustrated sigh before halting my footsteps and turning around to meet the eyes of my pained looking ex. Regardless of the feared expression and chilled form, he looked as beautiful as ever; as always his freshly ironed shirt clung to his torso in all the right places - much like the rest of his clothing - while his fluffed up hair shaped his head perfectly, causing my expression to soften immediately. He was too perfect for someone like me, and he always will be.

"W-What?" I muttered, hating the stutter in my voice just as much as Kier had, causing him to physically whimper at the sound.

"What are you doing here?" He asked softly, his arms curling around his form in a protective manner.

"I-I wanted to g-get drunk with D-Drew..." I replied, shrugging it off as if the fact I had managed to be so far away from home was nothing. "B-But the s-sight of you w-with her makes me want to v-vomit, to be h-honest."

"I'm sorry," He began, however, I cut him off immediately.

"T-There's no need to a-apologise; We're not t-together anymore, Kier." I murmured, shaking my head timidly while wishing that at this current moment in time, I was anywhere but here.

"I-I know," Kier stumbled, his eyes falling closed for a moment while he released a small sigh. "It was still wrong of me; It's too soon for me to be acting like that."

I nodded slightly, flicking my tongue over the surface of my lips in hopes of releasing some tension, but to no avail; We were hopeless.

"I-I, umm," I began, eyes dropping from his intense gaze to the unclean ground beneath our feet. "I-I thought y-you'd be on your way h-home by now."

"My flight is tomorrow morning; I thought i'd have one last night out here before work begins again."

I could only nod once more, unable to process the fact that this could possibly be the last time I'd see this angel in front of me again.

"I'll miss you when I'm back over there." I heard him suddenly whisper, causing my eyes to shoot back to his own, a small, timid smile resting on his lips.

"N-No, you w-won't," was my response, not understanding why he'd believe that comment was necessary after what happened only twenty-four hours before. "Y-You'll move on; I-It looks like you were absolutely fine before you saw me just." I couldn't mask the venom in my tone, hating how he suddenly thought he could speak like this after everything that had happened between us.

"Shane," He sighed, appearing visibly frustrated by my reaction. I cut him off with another shaky retort, not giving him the chance to protect himself against me.

"N-No!" I cried out, hands curling into fists at my side while the thought of being outside assisted my discomfort. "You s-shut up! Y-You f-fu... s-slept with him! W-While I-I was i-in o-our bed alone!"

"It wasn't our bed!" was his pathetic retort, causing my teary eyes to roll behind my lengthy fringe.

"I-It c-could have b-been... i-if y-you wasn't a complete a-asshole."

"Alright," Kier snapped, causing me to flinch and jump slightly at the harsh tone. "I get it, but i've apologised and you won't accept it. What else am I supposed to do?!"

"Leave me alone!" I cried out, torso tilting forwards slightly with the force of my words. "I don't want you anymore! I want you to go away! Why did you even follow me out here anyway?"

The pain on Kier's face from my cruel words was excruciating to see, guilt clouding my mind at the sight before realising his pain was nothing compared to my own; the pain that he had caused me himself. He was able to respond before another man left the building, a plastic cup of unknown alcohol in his grasp and a large grin on his lips; He was obviously tipsy. However, the smile he aimed at me wasn't returned; I didn't need anyone else's input into this conversation at this current time, let alone Drew's.

"Shane, what are you doing out here?" He called out to me, heading over to grab my hand in a small attempt to bring me back into the building. "There's no party out here!"

"One minute, Drew," I sighed, not prepared to deal with the intoxicated blond before finishing my conversation with Kier. "I'm just saying goodbye."

"Good-" He began to respond, before facing in the direction I was in, his eyes instantly becoming glaring slits at the sight of a rather miserable looking Kier. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He snarled. "Shouldn't you be over 3,000 miles away by now?"

"I'm going tomorrow." He muttered quietly, only just managing to hear it over the sound of Drew's growling.

"Good!" Drew replied. "Then he might be able to finally start recovering without you fucking it all up!"

"Drew," I whispered, squeezing his hand in attempt to calm him; He always takes it a step too far. "Please, it's okay. I'm fine."

"No, you're not," He shot back, causing me to forcefully remove my hand from his, signalling that I didn't need his 'help'. "This is your first time outside in years and he's ruining it."

"I-I just came to apologise to him, I didn't want to cause any more trouble." Kier suddenly murmured, eyes trained on the floor while he shoved his hands into his back pockets, visibly uncomfortable with the entire situation.

"I-I don't want y-your apology," I replied, allowing Drew to stand significantly closer to me. "I've heard enough of them; I just want you to go now. It's over."

Kier nodded, flicking his tongue over the surface of his lips. "I-I understand," He mumbled, causing me to shush Drew when he growled a low 'Do you really?'. "I'll go."

Holding back apologies at the hurt expression on Kier's face I watched as he began to walk towards and past us, mumbling something incoherent to Drew beforehand.

"Oh, Shane?" I heard him call, turning around to me while walking backwards. "Well done for being out here; I'm proud of you."

Before I even had a chance to respond, Drew had taken the matter into his own hands, calling back a violent "Fuck off, Kier! He doesn't need your opinion!"

"Drew," I hissed, hating how I wasn't able to speak for myself. "Stop it." I watched with tearful eyes as Kier raised a middle finger towards Drew while his back was turned, being engulfed in darkness the further he walked away, out of my life forever. 

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