Chapter Thirty-Six - Kier

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Kier’s POV

A loud groan left my lips as I gradually regained consciousness, finding my form to be extremely heavy and achy while I attempted to move my arm. With a small whimper I fluttered open my eyes, whining as the bright light of the room caused my eyes to feel as if they were burning. I had no idea where I was; the bed in which I was lying on felt unfamiliar to me - it was less comfortable compared to Shane’s. Shit, where’s Shane? 

“Shane, Beautiful?” I mumbled, voice raspy from my deep sleep as I turned my head to the left, feeling the presence of another but unable to reach them. Only then did I recall the previous events of the night. 

“No ‘Shane’ here, Baby.” Darren groaned, rolling his bare form over to face me, a large smirk on his lips as he winked in my direction, surprisingly cheerful after the amount of alcohol we’d consumed the night before. 

“W-What...” I stumbled, rising too quickly into a seating position and running a hand through my hair, in desperate attempt to collect my thoughts. Looking down at my body, I realised I was bare too, my cheeks aflame as I jumped from the bed to quickly dress, not wanting to even begin to think about the reason behind the sickening fluid sticking to my body, or why my lower regions ached each time I moved.

“Baby, chill,” Darren mumbled, sitting himself up in bed and watching me attempt to dress and make myself more presentable to leave the house. “It’s been a long night, you should rest more.” 

I shook my head  frantically, my mind too preoccupied to even bother thinking of a response.  Once doing up the buttons on my jeans I felt my phone in the back pocket, silently thankful I hadn’t lost it while heavily intoxicated. Pulling it from his home and into my grasp, I unlocked it and scrolled through my messages, whimpering softly at the sight of those from Shane. 

Shaney: Kier? It’s getting late, are you alright? x (10:59PM)

Shaney: You haven’t misplaced your phone, have you? Laurence told me you lose it a lot x (11:30PM)

Shaney: Can you call me? I just want to make sure you’re safe. xxxx (11:54PM)

Shaney: I’m guessing you’re busy? Your friend is quite the party animal, I’m guessing. x (12:17AM)

Shaney: Are you sleeping over his? Was his name Darren? Let me know, Kee, I’m worried. x (1:43AM)

Shaney: I’m going to sleep now. If you need me, please call me, okay? Goodnight. x (3:03AM)

“Kier, Baby, C’mere...” Darren whispered, not waiting for me to follow as he approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his tight embrace. “Don’t worry about it.” 

“N-No, Darren. You don’t understand.” I stuttered, finding myself panicking more at his weak attempt to comfort me. “S-Shane...” 

“Shane doesn’t need to know; There’s nothing to worry about.” He mumbled, as I felt his warm hands slip under my shirt, caressing the skin of my waist beneath; It only made me feel more uncomfortable. "Come back to bed, eh?" 

“N-No!” I cried out, hating how I felt my body mould against him as I shoved him away, roughly treading my feet into my boots without untying the laces before turning to him, a harsh glare on my face. “Shane doesn’t deserve this; He deserves love!” 

“Then, why were you complaining about him yesterday?” He replied, frustration evidenced in his tone. 

“I was drunk and stressed!” I replied, mirroring my previous tone. “He’s my boyfriend, who I really like and I’ve fucked up already! I don’t want to mess this up, Darren. I’m in a proper relationship now, one that I don’t ever want to lose. Last night shouldn’t have happened.” My tone quietened the further into the sentences I began until it was nothing but a quiet whimper. “I’m sorry, but this isn’t like years ago; this can’t happen again.” 

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