Chapter Forty-Nine - Shane

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Shane's POV

After my nightmare I fell back to sleep for a few hours, thankfully without the reappeaance of my haunting past. Although, I had always suffered from those terrible dreams since I was a teenager, they hadn't been that severe in a long time. Usually, that woman or my parents would make a small appearance before fading away and never being seen again until I wake, but that particular nightmare was accurately reliving my past, as if the traumatising event had only happened the day before, not years ago. Taking a deep breath I turned over in my bed, pushing the thought of my condition worsening out of my mind while I gazed around the peaceful room. My eyes fell to the small window into the center of my wall, shut closed by my thick curtains and blocking any ray of sunlight that attempted to creep in; however, the curtains were still lit up to a glowing blue. The sight made me break into a lazy smile, the brightness reminding me of the day Kier helped me out into the garden; the sun made my pale skin heat up and glow, engulfing me in the star's warmth; I hadn't felt so free in years. It made me feel alive.

Slowly moving the sheets from my freezing form, I sat up on my mattress, my feet hanging over the edge of the bed while my eyes were trained on the window before me. Flicking my tongue over the surface of my lips I rose from the bed, making my way towards the closed window and gently undrawn the curtains for the first time since making this room my own. My eyes squinted at the harsh sunlight, but my lips broke into a smile; I had almost forgot what the view looked like, how large the garden seemed from this place in the house, and how we could see the neighbours garden from here too. They didn't have that trampoline when we first moved in, or a doghouse. Releasing a small chuckle I turned my attention back to our own garden, watching Laurence and Luke potter around near the shed, pulling out various garden equipment and hanging up out freshly washed clothes to dry. Admittedly, I'd always had a little interest in gardening, finding the whole process quite enjoyable; I used to do the gardening back at home with my parents before things got difficult. My Father used to buy the most beautiful flowers for me in the store, so I could plant them after school; Drew always found it both hilarious and ridiculous, but I thought it was really calming. Nowadays there wasn't many flowers in my garden from what I could see, only weeds. Maybe I could change that one day? I'd like to be in control of something again, and the garden would be a great place to start.

The sound of a small knock at the door caused me to jump slightly, turning my head around to face the wood and calling to the knocker to enter.

"Hey, Shaney," I heard Drew call as he opened the door, gently closing it behind him before halting in his tracks at the sight of me. "Well, this is new." He chuckled, nodding towards the light illuminating the room.

"Y-Yeah," I mumbled, turning my head back to face the window. "C-Couldn't find my glasses in the bloody dark..." I didn't want him to make too much of a fuss; it's hard enough to face this as it is, I didn't need Drew starting to cry or wanting to hold a party or something equally as ridiculous.

I watched as Drew stood beside me from the corner of my eye, his hand resting gently on my shoulder but thankfully mentioned nothing more on the subject.

"T-There's a severe lack of f-flowers out there..." I whispered, turning my hed slightly in Drew's direction with a small smirk resting on my lips.

"That's your job, remember? You're the gardener of the family," was his response, returning my expression.

"I've been a little pre-occupied." I giggled, eyes falling on Laurence and Luke appearing to be arguing over who does which jobs.

"Better late than never, I suppose, Shaney," I felt a comforting squeeze to my shoulder. "C'mon, get dressed. We need to go out."

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