Chapter Eleven - Shane

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16 year old Shane's POV

Prom night; the most awkward night in any teenager's life, especially if you were wearing your best friend's father's suit.

"Oh Shane, Sweetie, you look so handsome!" I heard Drew's mother cry, tears in her eyes as she straightened my tie for me. I didn't; I looked ridiculous. The ends of my trousers were curled upwards to fit my short legs while the blazer - which was at least two sizes too big for me - hung from my slim form. I'd managed to convince the Woolnough's to let me wear my own school shirt; however Mrs Woolnough insisted she ironed it beforehand.

"Are you sure it isn't too big?" I murmured, lifting my arms to show her how baggy the blazer was, only to have her shake her head in reply.

"I'm sure no one will notice, Dear." She replied, kissing my head gently before gasping as Drew walked down the stairs. His suit was made specifically to fit his form; black like my own but he had a bow tie around his neck instead of a loose one like me.

"You look great, mate!" Drew beamed, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sure all eyes will be turned to you."

"Only to laugh." I mumbled in reply, causing him to hit my spine lightly.

"Right boys," Drew's mother called, forcing us to stare in her direction as she gave us instructions for the evening. "Back by eleven at the latest, you hear?" He spoke authoritatively. "and no alcohol or girls. This isn't an excuse to act all 'grown up' and thinking you can do what you want now."

Drew merely rolled his eyes, chuckling as he embraced her. "We're not stupid, Mother. We know." He kissed her cheek before leaving the house, pulling me along with him.

Prom wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, most of the time people kept to their small groups, ignoring Drew and I. We weren't the most popular people in the school, but Drew had more friends than I had. He was a little more confident when socialising was concerned, but he did have his slip ups sometimes; everyone does. However, Drew was friends with people in his music class, which was a higher group than what I was in. He was aiming to go on and take it in College and University you see, so he revised hard and was expected an A* when results day came. I however, was expected either a B or C, meaning I was in lower set when lessons were concerned.

Anyway, right now Drew wasn't at our table in the dance hall, he was off with his other friends; a guy called Darren in his class. They shared both Music and Mathematics together, which I wasn't in their class for so I didn't know the guy very well... I hadn't bothered trying to either.

I was sat at our table, drinking from a glass of Coca-Cola which was available for free refills at the buffet table in the far left corner when I caught his eye. He was dancing with Katie Jensen, the supposedly most 'bangable' girl in our year, which I assumed they had planned to go together to be the most popular couple here tonight; I never did quite understand that. His name was Issac. He had somewhat long blond hair, large blue eyes, and a permanently wide grin as he laughed musically along with most of the whispering his friends aimed towards him. It was hardly ever meant to be cruel however, he never spoke to me, but I did see him act harshly towards other students on occasion; usually Jack and the others - whom he called the 'nerds'. I wasn't a 'nerd'; I was an average grade C/D student. I just about passed most lessons - P.E and Textiles not included.

As I sat in my chair playing with a loose thread on Mr Woolnough's blazer I watched him dance with Katie, hearing muffled mumbles of how beautiful she looked that evening and sighed, slumping down in my chair. It wasn't until I saw him pull away from her when I realised he was approaching me, nodding towards his friends as he slowly moved away from the crowds of people surrounding the dance floor and seat himself in front of me.

"Hey, Shawn wasn't it?" Issac asked, grinning.

"Shane." I corrected him timidly, a light blush on my cheeks as I took in his appearance. I didn't really mind as much that he couldn't remember my name, it was expected. We came from two completely different worlds, I was just happy that he was speaking more than one simple abusive word to me.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm so sorry, Shane." He replied, his grin turning into an apologetic smile, eyes twinkling in the dim light. "I bet you think I'm such an asshole right now."

"N-No..." I mumbled out, leaning over and placing a comforting hand on his arm in hopes to calm his thoughts. "It's okay, I wasn't expecting any different; we don't really speak much." I didn't want him to continue ignoring me.

Issac breathed out a sigh of relief, gazing over at me. "I'm so glad, you seem really nice." He sighed, suddenly moving his arm from beneath my hand to hold it in his own instead. My eyes widened as I stared down at our linked hands, licking over the surface of my drying lips as I tried to process what was happening.

"T-Thank you..." I managed to mumble out, looking up at him as my fringe fell over my eyes. "Y-You seem nice too..."

I had no idea what was going on, why was Issac treating me like this? It wasn't until I heard him giggle and move to sit beside me when I came back to reality; only to be pulled from it once more as I felt his rough hand on my cheek, his lips pushing against my own. They were soft, gentle... and wrong.

I jumped back away from the kiss as the sound of disgust rumbled through the hall, opening my eyes to see everyone looking over at me. Issac laughed from beside me, making the same sound I heard moments ago as he stood and wiped his mouth.

"You dickheads owe me £20!" I heard him shout, continuing his harsh laughter as he moved towards a group of males who I recognised from my old Science lessons. "I told ya he was a fag!"

My eyes widened as everything slowly fell into place. Issac never spoke to me willingly, he never meant it to be kind, he was never interested. Everything was a joke; a sick, twisted joke.

Moving from my seat I sped from the room, having to push through the crowds of people tipping their drinks over me and trying to block my escape route. I didn't wait for Drew to return and walk back together, I didn't care that he wasn't there to protect me either. I just ran back home; not back to my biological parents, they'd never let me back in, but back to Mr and Mrs Woolnough where I'd tell them the whole story by the fire, and hide in Mrs Woolnough's side as she tells me it would be okay soon; except it never was.

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