Chapter Four - Kier

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Kier's POV

Running my hand through my fringe I retreated into ‘my bedroom’, falling onto my bed and groaning. Why would I do that? Now he’s going to over think it. However much I like him and think he’s a sweet guy; I don’t want him to know that. I don’t have time for relationships; not now, not ever. He deserves much more than what I can give him. He needs time, adoration, assurance; I can’t give him that. I spend all day in front of a camera to go home and drink the night away. I can’t go through photo shoot after photo shoot, to go home to a boyfriend who’ll expect kisses and cuddles and attention. I simply can’t do that.

In all honesty, I wasn’t sure why I was thinking too deeply into this. It was a kiss to a bandaged finger; Something parents do when their children scrap their knees falling off their bikes. I had nothing to worry about; He’ll never need to know. 

My head shot up as I heard someone approach my bedroom door, was it him? He wouldn’t question me or anything, would he? Holding my breath I expected the worse but released a sigh when Drew entered my room.

“Dinners ready!” He informed me in his usual chirpy manner, his broad grin plastered across his features. 

I nodded and followed Drew down the stairs, into the dinning room where Shane smiled slightly at the sight of Drew. Keeping my head down low I took my seat beside Laurence, instantly involving myself in a conversation with him to distract myself from the blond a few seats away. However, that didn’t work as I could still hear him; his low mumble to Drew gripping my attention and I couldn’t help to look over at him. He was sat straight in his seat, poking at broccoli with his silver cutlery as he blushed when his gaze met his best friend’s. He looked adorable; with his reddening cheeks, lengthy fringe falling across his eyes and how he repeatedly pulled at his shirt sleeves when they rode up over his wrists. That particular movement caught my interest; why was he so insistent that they didn’t go above the wrist? Was he self-conscious? Did he have something to hide? I didn’t understand his habit, and I couldn’t help my curious manner; Shane interested me. I wanted to know everything about the timid young man; absolutely everything.

Placing down my knife and fork I grabbed a napkin and wiped my mouth gently. After thanking them all my eyes met Shane’s - well, at least I think they did - for a few moments until he shot his head away from me. I frowned slightly, as much as I didn’t want him to know how I feel for him, I still want him to feel comfortable around me. I wish he wasn’t so afraid.

“I’ll wash up if you want, guys.” I heard Drew’s perky voice call around the room, followed by mumbled thanks. 

“I’ll help you.” I offered, getting out my seat and beginning to collect the dirty glasses and plates. 

Drew thanked me and I followed him into the kitchen where he filled the dull blue washing up bowl with hot water, adding in the green liquid to create bubbles. While Drew washed up the dirty plates and saucepans I dried up after him, having the ask Drew on occasion where some utensils belonged.

“Thank you for looking after Shane earlier,” I heard him saw after a while of silence. “He gets a little distracted sometimes and can be quite clumsy.” 

That caught my attention; he had no reason to apologise on Shane’s behalf. “It’s fine,” I replied, shrugging it off as I threw a freshly cleaned fork into a cutlery draw. “You both seemed a little spooked so I thought I’d help him out.” 

Drew laughed gently at that, nodding. “He gets into so many accidents for someone who hardly leaves the house, it’s unbelievable.” He explained to me, the look of admiration for his friend causing a gentle smile to appear on my face. However, my curiosity for the timid blond only rose at his words. 

“Hardly leaves the house?” I questioned, eyebrows raised. “Doesn’t he have a job?” 

I watched as Drew shook his head, smiling sadly across at me while he washed up the last plate. “He’s unemployed.” He replied softly. “I don’t think he’s ever had a job.”

My interest only heightened at this. “Never?” I asked gently, making it seem like I was only after conversation.

Drew shook his head once more. “We’ve all got stable jobs, there’s no need for him to get one.” He shrugged, however something about his nervous posture - the way he tugged on his lower lip with his teeth and how my eyes weren’t meeting his - told me a completely different story.

“It’ll be good to have a bit of extra cash lying around though.” I commented in reply, not buying the smaller man’s story at all.

“It would,” Drew agreed with a sigh, turning to me once all the dirty dishes were done. “But things don’t work like that.” 

I nodded, not wanting to press the question any further; he didn’t seem to want to talk about it. Trying to change the subject to something less secretive I began to ask more questions. “So, what do you do for a living then?” 

Drew smiled, helping me pack away the last of the cutlery before leaning against the counter, grabbing his complete attention. “I work in a supermarket part-time.” 

I nodded, smiling no matter how brain-murdering that sounded to me. “Just part-time?” I responded, mirroring his actions opposite him.

“Yeah,” He grinned, seemingly happy about his chosen way of life. “Hanging out with Shane is kind of a full time job.” 

I chuckled, still not quite understanding why Shane seemed to be the man on all their minds; including my own. “What? A man in his twenties can’t occupy himself during a 9-5 weekday shift?” I laughed light-heartedly

Drew frowned at this, causing me to instantly silence myself and guilt to wash over me; I have always had a habit of saying the wrong thing… obviously this was one of those times.

“Shane’s a little reckless,” Drew replied almost cautiously, making me feel slightly uneasy about the whole situation. “He needs someone to watch over him.” He then sighed. “This isn’t my place to tell you all this.” 

I merely nodded, wanting the unstable conversation to end now. “I see.” I mumbled before leaving; set on getting Shane and I acquainted more. 

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