Chapter Thirty-Nine - Shane

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Shane's POV

Reluctantly removing my hand from Kier's face I stood and shuffled from the room, giving Drew a hard stare as I moved passed him. I instantly knew as soon as I saw him leave my bedroom that things would get violent; I just never expected him to take things this far. Drew isn't the type to get into fights, and I never thought Kier would be either.

Hurrying into the bathroom I searched through the mirror cabinet for a miniscule first aid kit before returning to Kier, ignoring Drew completely as my mind was filled with the thought of my boyfriend's(?) safety. Kneeling back down in front of him, I gently began to clean away all the blood I could see, shushing him gently each time he hissed at the pain my actions brought him. Once the blood was cleared away I gave him a small smile, placing miniscule plasters over his cheek and eyebrow as Drew's hits caused the skin to break open.

"A-Anywhere e-else hurting?" I asked in a gentle whisper, allowing my stutter to take control for a little while; There was no need to be strong. He was leaving me either way.

"No, I think I'm okay." Kier croaked out in response, leading me to nod a little awkwardly.

"I-I think y-you'll get a few b-bruises..." I mumbled, hating how tense the room felt at that moment as I stood once more. "B-But the rest w-won't take too long to heal."

After waiting for him to nod once more I left the room to return the kit, then moving back to Kier as quickly as possible; Admittedly, I was afraid of Drew arguing with him again. He was never successful at controlling his temper.

Neither Drew nor Kier spoke as I sat myself down on Kier's bed, keeping an eye on him while glancing over at my friend on occasion. Drew was simply staring down at Kier, watching him while the redhead played with his labret piercing, hissing on occasion as assumably Drew had hit it on occasion.

"Stop whining." Drew murmured, his arms folded tight against his chest while he glared down at Kier.

The model ignored him, attempting to stand while hissing on occasion as he held an arm to his ribs. My lips dropped downwards into a deep frown at the sight.

"Fuckin' man up;" The blond growled once more. "You deserved it."

"D-Drew..." I scolded, wrapping a hand around his wrist as I stood, squeezing it slightly. "Don't be c-cruel." I continued, moving over to Kier and assisting him in standing.

"I-I'm fine." Kier stumbled, exhaling shakily before beginning to move over and collect his suitcase. However, I quickly took it from his grasp, giving him a sad smile.

"S-So am I." I whispered, his eyes widening with pain at my own words. "I-I'll call y-you a-a taxi. Y-You going t-to Darren's?" I waited for him to nod before leaving the room, his case in hand while I treaded down the stairs and into the living room.

Thankfully, no one was there as I moved over to the telephone, my hands shaking at the thought of having to speak to a stranger. I stared down at the phone in hand for a while, chewing on my lower lip in attempt to battle with the negative voice in my mind; It was just a stupid five minute call, why am I making this so difficult?

I'd managed to type in the first two numbers before the sudden sound of footsteps approaching me alerted me of someone's presence, causing me to turn around immediately in search of comfort. Kier was stood only a few feet away, shushing me softly and reaching out to tuck my fringe behind my ears for our eyes to meet completely, before taking the phone from my trembling hands.

"C'mere," He whispered as I felt the device slip from my hand and into his. "I'll do it for you."

Breathing out a small 'Thank you', I watched him take the call, envying his confidence as he spoke to whoever was on the other line.

My grip tightened on his suitcase as the call ended, suddenly not wanting him to leave; I wouldn't be able to cope without him. He's the thread sewing me back together; without him I'd instantly fall apart again.

"W-Will y-you get back to N-Ne... h-home, okay?" I asked in a mumble, moving the case out of his reach as I saw him attempt to grab it.

"Yeah," He whispered in response, his smile small and uncertain. "I-I'll book my ticket at Darren's later."

I nodded, anxiously licking over the surface of my lips. I should hate him; I should be disgusted a tthe mere sight of him for what he did to me, but I love him too much to care. "I... I-I hope y-you get home s-safe." I managed to stutter out, needing to hear his voice once more.

"I'll be fine," was his only response on the matter, causing me to ask the next question as an ache erupted in my chest.

"A-Are we... W-What are we, Kier?" I whispered, my throat drying up at the highly possible answer to that question.

"You wanted me to leave," He replied, quickly reaching forwards and grabbing the case from my grasp before I could move it away once more. "What do you want?"

"I-I w-want you..." I mumbled, voice slightly squeaky as I admitted my feelings. "B-But, Kier..." Tears began to fall down my cheeks as I gazed over at him, wanting nothing more than to be back in his arms. "Y-You s-spent a night with someone else..."

"I know, but-"

"Y-You f.. f-fucking," I cut him off instantly, not wanting to hear his view when it would only be protecting himself. "Y-You k-kissed, c-caressed... f-fucking undressed and f-fucked s-someone w-who wasn't me... I-I don't understand." I whined, unable to hold back my curses while the image of him with another was encraved into my mind; It made me sick.

"Shane, please, you must understand that I don't even remember a minute of it and I still regret it." He protested, tears running down his own cheeks while he stared at me.

I frantically shook my head, my fringe falling back over my eyes. "E-Everytime I-I think of you, I-I see that..." I cried, my hands curling into fists while I trembled. "I-It w-wouldn't work."

"I can try to make it better, Shane." He whispered, reaching out towards me as a cars horn sounded from outside, signalling the taxi's arrival.

"I-I can't." I whimpered, before exhaling deeply in attempt to compose myself. "I-I can't trust you anymore... H-How c-can I-I... N-No..." I concluded quietly.

Kier nodded sadly, leaning forwards to pecking my cheek before taking a large step back. "I really am sorry, Shane." He whispered, his smile small and filled with sorrow.

"I-I know." I mumbled, unable to bring myself to return the 'Goodbye' he gave me and concentrated on the tingles left on my skin from his lips touching me.

By the time I gathered the strength to return that horrible word, Kier was gone.

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