Chapter Twenty-three - Shane

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Shane’s POV

It’s been a few days since Kier returned and admittedly, things are starting to look a little brighter. Although, Drew still wasn’t coming to see me or speaking to me without bringing up Kier or the fact that I apparently shouldn’t involve myself around him; I wasn’t moping around the house as much as I usually was. I was capable of getting out of bed alone and quickly, then going to have a shower and brush my teeth before getting dressed - double checking that the shirts I was wearing were clean too. If I’m honest, I did think of Kier while I was doing these everyday tasks; I’m unsure whether it’s because I want to impress him though, but it probably is and who can blame me? The man was the definition of self-confidence and perfection; I can’t help but feel the need to permanently impress him just to feel worthy to be in his presence.

After having quite an awkward breakfast in the kitchen – me on one side of the breakfast bar while Drew on the other, staring at each other over our bowl of cornflakes – I returned to my room and turned on my iPod before sitting myself down at my desk. I’d decided to return to my previous idea before Kier came back and draw him something. Reopening my sketchbook to the old page I read through the ideas scribbled in the bottom left corner before beginning to scrape the led across the white sheet, allowing myself to get lost in the lyrics and beat of the music while I drew. It didn’t take me long to have the overall outline of my piece done, reviewing it for a few minutes in the dim light of my table lamp before beginning to add the details and darken the fore-mentioned outline, the tip of my tongue poking out from the corner of my mouth as I paid utmost attention to every line I made; I wanted it to be the best drawing I’d ever done.

While I was adding some shading I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Calling to the knocker to enter I turned back to my image and rubbed out parts I didn’t like before starting once more, hearing a small ‘hello, Shaney!’ from Kier, which I politely returned before falling back into silence while continuing. There was a small creak of my bed, signalling that Kier had sat himself down on it before he spoke.

“You seem busy.” He commented; I hummed in response.

“Do you want me to go and come back in later?”

“No.” I mumbled.

“I don’t want to bother you.”

“It’s f-fine.”

There was yet another creak before I felt the presence of another close to my neck and I lifted the pencil from the paper to be met with Kier’s face centimetres away from my own.

“That’s so good.” He commented, grinning down at the image and I couldn’t help but notice a faint blush on his cheeks as he recognised what I had drawn. “I didn’t know you knew these photos existed.”

I chuckled, nodding timidly as my own cheeks because to have a soft pink tinge to them. “Y-Yeah,” I mumbled, spinning slightly on my chair. “I-I g-googled y-you…”

The image was from Kier’s company’s website where they show all the current working models and their own individual portfolio of previous photo shoots and jobs undertook. This particular image I’d chosen to draw was admittedly my personal favourite of the redhead; it was of his current hairstyle, his eyes were defined with a rich black eyeliner and shadow, his cheeks a soft pink while his body was formed and highlighted with the use of a plain black shirt, tightly hugging his chest.

“I hated that bloody shirt.” Kier commented as he looked down at the drawing while I added a small signature on the bottom left, near Kier’s hip.

“R-Really?” I asked in a surprised whisper; I’d have thought he’d have loved that shirt – it shown off his figure perfectly, a part of him that I’d have been expecting him to be proud of.

“Yeah,” He mumbled, chuckling softly. “It was too tight in my opinion; the buttons looked like they were about to burst!”

“I-I like it.” I whispered, timidly going over the outline of Kier’s hair to distract myself from looking over at Kier’s probably taken aback expression of what I’d just said. “I-It suits you.” 
“Oh…” I heard him whisper, causing my cheeks to brighten slightly as he embarrassment I felt increased. I honestly couldn’t tell you from his reply what he thought of my compliment, which only heightened my anxiety of what he could be thinking of me at this current time.

“Thank you, Shane.” He whispered a few minutes later, causing me to exhale as quietly as I could in my relieved state.

“I-It’s okay...” I stuttered out awkwardly, turning in my chair to give him a small smile, but he seemed too distracted with my drawing, which I promptly ripped it out and held it up to him. “I-I drew it f-for y-you…” I mumbled, giggling breathily in my nervous state, the paper shaking from my sweaty, trembling hands. “I-It was g-going to be a w-welcoming gift when y-you got h-here but with e-everything that happened with D-Drew i-i-”

“It’s perfect.” He cut my waffling off with a soft voice, gently taking the image from my hands and assessing the image up close this time. “I love it.”
I nodded, my smile much more confident and assured now; his words having soothed me.

“Have you ever thought about going into art as a profession?” He asked, causing me to chuckle and shake my head, finding his statement ridiculous; I’d never get anywhere with a career like that.

“N-No… I-It’s just a little hobby of mine…” I replied, shaking my head a little more.

“I see,” He murmured, turning around to sit back on the end of my bed, meaning I had to turn around on my chair to see him as he placed the image gently down on the space beside him, as if he was handling glass.

“Have you been to the local Art gallery?” He then questioned, head tilting to the side while a soft, friendly smile graced his plump lips. “I’ve seen it advertised and have some leaflets in my bag about it from the airport; we could go together.”

I shook my head, eyes wide at the thought of even leaving this room at this precise minute. “N-No, I-I couldn’t...”
“The crowds aren’t ever that big in places like that,” I continued, appearing to be ignoring or oblivious to my unsettled reaction. “But I think travelling could be a problem.”

“T-The w-whole t-thing c-could b-be a-a p-problem…” I murmured in response when he silenced himself in thought. He hummed in understanding and didn’t mention it again after that.

“I-I’m sorry.” I mumbled, looking up at him as I flattened my fringe over my eyes, feeling slightly ashamed of my fear and wishing more than anything that I was normal, so I would be good enough for Kier.

“It’s okay.” He responded moments later in a whisper, giving me a gentle smile. “I understand, but I won’t give up.”

I merely giggled and nodded, knowing that he wasn’t particularly joking himself. 

You & I [Kier/Shane]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang