Chapter Ten - Kier

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Kier's POV

I was walking towards my bedroom with a mug of tea when I heard him. Loud sobs and muffled pained cries were sounding through Shane's closed door; I had no idea what to do. At first I listened in, unable to piece together his broken words but I could sense his distress. Drew was out for the morning, grocery shopping with Luke so it was just Laurence and I who were available, and I doubted he would help.

Chewing on my lower lip I considered my actions; I could just stride in there, pick Shane up in my arms and hold him tightly: However, that could be proved disastrous. He might reject me. I could knock and wait for him to let me in, but from the power of his cries I doubt he'd hear me. Then again I could always just leave him, but he sounded hysterical; I could never be that heartless. Shane needed someone, whether he would accept it or not.

Taking a deep breath I quietly opened the door, slipping through the gap and closing it gently behind me. My heart broke at the sight. Shane was sobbing in his bed, his body hidden beneath the covers below the waist whilst his face was buried into his pillow, his muffled yet loud cries surrounding the room. I didn't bother letting my presence known, merely placed my mug on the side table before slipping onto the bed beside him and took him into my arms, mumbling calm words as I went. I couldn't help the speed my heart rate was beating at as he propelled himself towards me, his tears wetting my shirt as he gripped the fabric. I continued to whisper soothing words, letting him know I was there for him; there wasn't anything else I could do.

We lay there together for what only felt like a few minutes, however it must have been at least an hour. He was still crying, but seemed to be able to control it a lot more; it was only the occasional whimper now.

"I-I'm sorry.." He whined, voice muffled as he didn't move his face from where it was hidden in my damp shirt.

"It's fine," I replied in a gentle whisper, hoping to reassure the blond. "As long as you're okay now."

He didn't reply, merely cuddled closer towards me and I tightened my hold, letting him know I wanted him to be close too.

It was silent for a while, my hands stroking down Shane's slim back in hopes to comfort him further; he froze in my arms until I shushed him softly, causing him to eventually calm.

"I-I'm so e-embarrassed.." I heard him whisper after a long period of time, followed by a small sniffle.

"Don't be." I replied softly, continuing the movements of my hands.

"B-But I-I was c-crying on y-you." I couldn't hide my heartache as he stuttered once more, wishing there was something I could do to help him; let him know that he could be himself around me, there was no reason to be afraid.

"Shane, it's okay honestly." I whispered in reply, squeezing him slightly. "It's what I'm here for."

I felt his head move against my shirt, his hair moving slightly in what I hoped was a nod, sniffling a little more.

Eventually he pulled away from me, causing me to move my arms to the side as he wiped his eyes on his sleeve, fringe covering most of his face.

"I-I'm g-going to l-look like shit for h-hours now," He mumbled, almost angrily at himself.

"You don't," I whispered, moving into a seated position as I prised his arms from his face, smiling softly at him. "You look fine."

Shane shook his head and from what I could see, his eyes were trained at the quilt beneath us.

Risking rejection I released one arm, moving my hand to his hair and tucked it behind his ear, away from his eye line. Shane's twinkling orbs met mine, wide and alert while I simply smiled, trying to give him a little hope. He looked broken, around his eyes were puffy, his nose a bright red and cheeks tear-stained, but he was still beautiful.

"D-Don't be s-stupid," Shane mumbled, hands raising to move his fringe back but I caught them just in time and took them in my own. Shane released a tiny gasp at the contact and I smiled, gazing at him as he stared down at our joined hands. I resisted the urge to giggle; he was adorable. "I-I look p-pathetic.." He continued when he managed to tear his eyes away.

I merely shook my head, my thumb subconsciously stroking along the back of Shane's hand. "I don't think you do... I think you look lovely." I replied in a soft tone, my own cheeks dusted with a soft pink at my words.

His eyes widened more as he stared at me, as if battling with himself about what I said, or whether I was speaking the truth. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly, searching for words. I responded to his silence with a giggle, shuffling a little closer to him as I kept a firm grip on his hands.

It went silent once more, Shane's eyes staring into my own as he gave up trying to speak; I couldn't look away. His eyes twinkled as I stared, blushing deeper under my gaze. I didn't realise I was moving closer until I felt his breath on my skin; it was shaky and frantic. I felt my eyes drop closed as my lips met with his for a few seconds and smiled as I heard him squeak. It was one of the best kisses I'd ever had; innocent and gentle, but perfect all the same. His lips were chapped and dry, but I couldn't help but crave more as I pulled away.

It wasn't until my eyes reopened that the realisation of what happened hit me. I kissed Shane Sumner, the man who was sobbing hysterically on my chest only an hour before. The blond who refused to believe he was anything other than a pathetic ugly mess.

"Shane, listen, I'm reall-" I began shakily, taking in his shocked, red form; only to be cut off by him.

"I-I think you should l-leave." He mumbled, forcing his hands out of my grasp, a lone tear falling.

"Shane," I mumbled, my heart speeding as I stared at him, eyes dilating drastically as I processed what he wanted me to do.

"P-Please." He pleaded, flicking his hair back over his eyes. "I-I think y-you should g-go.."

I gulped loudly, my nose twitching as I frowned. Standing from the bed I left the room without another word, taking my now cold drink with me. Shane had let me in, knocked down the wall he'd kept up to hide himself from me, and I had just pushed him to start building again.

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