Chapter Three - Shane

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Shane's POV

Kier had been here for a few days now, and I haven't spoken a word to him; much to Laurence's displeasure. I figured that since he was only here for a short period of time and that he lives all the way in America; there was no point in befriending him. Admittedly, he intimidated me too. His red hair was always sprayed perfectly in place; unlike my blond mop of hair. His teeth were a shiny pearly white; mine were probably revolting. His skin was tanned and smooth; mine was a ghostly white and sickly. His smile could light up the whole room; I can't even remember the last time I smiled properly. He was perfection, and I was disgusting.

It was currently around 11AM, and I'm still in bed. I don't see the point in leaving the safety of my puffy sheets, or to get dressed. I'll never be good enough for him. I'm not sure what I feel for him; attraction or admiration. I think he's gorgeous, and his voice is music to my ears. Yet I also want to be like him, I wish I could have his body and flaunt off what he calls his insecurities. However, I don't see what he could possibly dislike about himself; he was the human embodiment of perfection.

Two knocks sounded from my tightly shut bedroom door, making my dilated eyes train to the source. "Y-Yes?" I squeaked out, my quilt cover pulled up to my neck.

"It's Drew," I heard my best friends muffled voice sound from behind the wood. "Can I come in?"
I gulped slightly and nodded before realising he couldn't see me. "Y-Yeah.." I voiced, watching with intent as the doorknob turned and the door opened slightly. Drew squeezed in the small opening - knowing I didn't like the door opening too widely - and closed it behind him, two mugs in his hand.

"Good Morning, Shane," Drew smiled gently, placing the mugs on the side as I shuffled up the bed slightly, giving Drew room to crawl in beside me. "How are you doing today?"
I shrugged, curling up beside Drew. He was the only one who I felt comfortable being near, we've been friends for so long; since we were children and I don't think I would ever be able to do this with anyone else. I can't trust anyone other than him; not even Laurence or Luke.

"I came in to tell you that Laurence wants us to help make dinner today," I whined in response, I couldn't leave this bed; especially not if he was going to be there. "Kier has been called out for a shoot and won't be back until before dinner, and Luke has been called into work, so it's just us three."

I continued to shake my head, unable to physically move. There was literally no point.

"Shane, please," Drew begged, pulling me into a hug under the covers. He lowered to my level and turned onto his side to face me. "I need you to do this; you can't hide in here forever while he's here."

I sighed; Drew knew I could never say no to him, even when we were in high school and we had planned to go to the theme park for our birthday but Drew wanted to spend the day with this girl instead of me. I let him go, but they never got together; he says they made out for a bit though so it guess it was a success.

"Fine." I mumbled, removing myself from Drew's clutches. "Just don't expect me to have a conversation with him."

Drew beamed across at me before leaving my bed, ruffling his hair as he made his way towards my door. "Thanks, Shane," He thanked me before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

It didn't take me long to get ready, I didn't see any special occasion for me to shower; so I dressed myself in a simple striped jumper that I think belonged to Drew and my usual black jeans. However, I actually felt bothered to wear a belt this time; my favourite bullet patterned one that Drew bought me for my 19th birthday.

I slowly treaded down the stairs and shuffled through to the kitchen, hands playing with the jumper's sleeves as I looked over at Drew and Laurence.

"Oh, so you haven't run away then?" Laurence commented, causing me to look over at him with confusion. "You never came out of your room yesterday, we all thought you escaped." He laughed, I wasn't sure whether he was being spiteful or not so I gave him a small smile before wandering over to Drew.

"Hey Shane," He smiled up at me happily before moving away from the counter where he was chopping vegetables. "Could you continue chopping them for us?" He asked and I merely nodded in response, moving to the sink to wash my hands before doing as Drew asked.

I wasn't sure how long I was chopping up various vegetables before the front door slammed shut, signalising someone was home. I expected it to be Luke - Drew told me Kier wasn't due back yet - but the presence of another male and the speed my heart thumped at their voice told differently.

"Hey guys!" Kier's joyful voice echoed around the room, while Drew and Laurence welcomed him back. I kept my head down low, my body hunched over the counter while my fringe splayed across my face. "Something smells good!" He cried, breathing in the scent overdramatically before giggling. His giggle was so cute, I thought as my cheeks tinged pink.

"You alright, Shane?" He then called, the way he said my name was heavenly. However, I wasn't expecting it and jumped at the sudden acknowledgement, causing the knife to jolt in my hand and cut open the skin of my forefinger.

"Shit.." I muttered through gritted teeth, bringing the bloody digit to my lips as I spun around, eyes wide through my fringe and nodded towards him. He looked so good today; his plain black top hugging his muscular frame - showing off his tattoo's proudly - while his skinny jeans clung to his thighs.

I saw his perfectly shaped eyebrows crease as he wandered over to me, I tried to step back but my lower back hit the counter painfully; releasing a squeak as my finger lowered from my mouth. Drew's small gasp filled the silence.

"Shane, you're bleeding!" He cried and hurried over to me. However, Kier got there first and blocked Drew from coming near. I couldn't breathe; he shouldn't be this close to me... but no tears came to my eyes or squeaks of terror; I merely stared over at him, breathing heavily.

"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" He whispered and grabbed my other hand, pulling me from the kitchen. My cheeks were bright red at the contact; no one had ever held my hand before, not even as a child. My hand was clammy in his but he didn't seemed to mind, infact he turned and smiled to me while we walked - well, I shuffled.

Kier took me into the bathroom and dug through the mirror cabinet for plasters, but I knew that wasn't where we kept them. I sat on the lid of the toilet seat, watching him intently through my hair.

I sucked on my lower lip anxiously. Should I tell him? I don't want him to get frustrated.

Licking my lips I coughed slightly to grab his attention. He turned to me with his gorgeous sparkling eyes, making my stomach flip.

"F-First A-Aid.. B-Box?" I managed to stutter out, tripping on my words. I wanted to make sure that was in fact what he was looking for, otherwise it would be humiliating. He nodded in reply. "I-In t-there..." I pointed with my trembling hand to the cupboard under the sink, nodding my head in the direction slightly.

"Oh right!" He giggled, his cheeks pinking slightly. He grabbed the box straight away and knelt before me. Kier held my hand gently while he disinfected my cut and placed a plaster securely around my wound. His hands were soft and steady, holding my trembling one securely. They left tingles wherever they touched and I felt safe; not terrified as usual.

"There," Kier whispered, his comforting voice as smooth as silk around us. "Be more careful next time, yeah?"

His eyes looked up to stare into mine. Although they were hidden behind my thick fringe, he was still looking directly into my dilated orbs. I could only nod in reply, my throat was dry and I couldn't bring myself to wet the surface of my lips with my tongue.

"Good." He merely whispered, eyes transfixed on my own. My heart was beating fast in my chest and I was sat frozen while Kier was knelt in front of me, my blush deepening by the second but I didn't seem to mind; his was too.

He released a soft giggle, knocking me from my trance before he tilted his head down and pressed a soft kiss to my plastered finger. Kier then sped from the room, leaving me to figure out what just happened.

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