Chapter Thirty-Five - Shane

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Shane’s POV

I released a small whimper as Kier shut the front door behind him, nodding slowly to myself at the overwhelming gloom that clouded over me once I accepted loneliness. Trudging back up the stairs I entered my bedroom, shutting the door behind me and dropping onto my bed. Admittedly, I was becoming attached to my redheaded boyfriend, needing to feel his presence beside me to experience any form of comfort. However, I knew my boundaries; I knew when things were becoming a little over the top and I needed to destroy it before it got any worse... and I did. I just needed him after such an overwhelming day; I’d managed to step outside and experience the breeze and sunlight for the first time in years, and he wasn’t here with me. 

However, being anxious about being only in my own company didn’t last long as a light knock sounded from the door, causing me to jump a little at the sudden sound. 

“C-Come in!” I called to the knocker, sitting up a little straighter and curl my sleeves over my knuckles as the small form of Drew entered the room. 

“Hey.” He whispered softly, closing the door behind him and moving to sit in front of me, crossing his legs on my duvet. 

“I-I thought you’d be at work.” I replied, giving him a small smile while allowing my hair to fall over my eyes; Drew and I haven’t spend a lot of time together recently, meaning I felt as if him and I’s relationship had gotten awkward. Only slightly, but I had no idea what he’s been up to. 

“I don’t work today, Remember?” He mumbled; I guess I’ve forgotten the day of the week too. 

Mumbling out a small ‘sorry’ I shrunk in on myself further, feeling a little lost without Kier’s arms around me while Drew continued to gaze in my direction.

“How have you been?” He asked, leaning over to grip my left wrist, causing the hold on my sleeves to release and my head to dart up at his action. 

“O-Okay.” I whispered, warming to his gentle smile while I moved my hand to hold the one which was previously gripping my wrist. “You?” 

“Fine,” He chuckled, and I watched his shoulders instantly relax, obviously finding my action comforting. “Just been missing you. How’s things with model boy?” 

I nodded softly, a small blush forming on my cheeks at the mention of Kier. “Fine.” I managed to reply, beginning to play with my fringe as Drew chuckled once more.

“Seems more than fine to me,” I shook my head. “C’mon, Shaney. I know I don’t like him all that much, but you can still talk to me about him. I want to have cheesy, little boyfriend chats with my best friend.” He began to whine, shaking my hand gently while I giggled, slowly becoming more and more comfortable around Drew once more.

“Fine!” I replied, my cheeks aching from the amount of smiling I’d been doing since Drew entered the room. “Okay, It’s going perfectly.” I admitted, causing my friend to ‘Aww!’ quite loudly. “He’s so amazing, I’ve never felt so free and happy, Drew. I don’t understand how things can change so quickly.” 

Drew smiled throughout the time I poured my heart out to him, my cheeks a deep red while I surprisingly pushed my fringe out of my eye line. “I’m glad he makes you happy.” He whispered, his smile faulting for a moment before he instantly composed himself once more. I decided to ignore that; He’d tell me if there was something wrong. I know he would.

“He really does...” I replied, giggling a little at the thought while willing my cheeks to cool more. “Honestly, Drew, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so strongly for another person before.” 


I nodded, my eyes falling to our joined hands. “I think I’m actually falling in love with him.” I breathed, squeezing his hand which he returned seconds later.

“Holy shit.” He replied, causing me to giggle once more, nodding slowly.

“I know; I just wish he was here.” 

It fell silent for a second; I assumed Drew couldn‘t find the words to respond with. “Have you told him you love him?” He eventually asked softly.

Shaking my head, I returned my eyes to Drew, my teeth pulling my lower lip into my mouth and nibbling at the flesh. “I want to though.” 

“You should, I’m sure he’ll feel the same.” He encouraged me, squeezing my hand once more. 

“Maybe I will when he gets back; I miss him so much already.” I chuckled, in complete disbelief that I could possibly be so infatuated with another human being, especially someone who wasn’t Drew. 

“Tell him.” He confirmed, causing me to nod and grin in his direction. He returned it moments later, jumping up to engulf me in his arms tightly. “Proud of you, Shane.” He whispered, his arms tight around my neck while I gently placed my hands on his upper back. 

Hours later and Kier never did return, I stayed awake up until around four am - way past the time Drew left me and went to bed - but he never did come back. Once the time reached around four I moved to snuggle deep beneath my thick covers and wrapped my arms around the pillow Kier had adopted as his own, inhaling his scent while I closed my eyes. I fell asleep soon after, my last thought being Kier in hopes of him being safe and happy; needing him to return to me as soon as possible. 

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