Chapter Thirteen - Shane

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Shane's POV

After it was announced that I was the winner of Monopoly – no surprise there – I returned to my bedroom, mumbling out a goodnight to the other occupants of the house as I shuffled from the room. Lying down on my bed I closed my eyes gently, rethinking the antics of downstairs. After Kier and I’s short conversation things were a little less tense, and I felt more comfortable out of my room than I had in ages. I didn’t get to apologise for my actions, however, it never felt like the right time and it wasn’t long until the room was crowded once more. Plus, Kier had been drinking and I didn’t want my apology to be forgotten by the time he had a bacon sandwich and a mug of coffee tomorrow morning.

Kier intrigued me deeply; he was like no one I’d ever met. I found it getting easier and easier to speak to him each day. I didn’t even need to think about it. Even though I knew it would take a while before my shoulders no longer tensed or until my stuttered disappeared entirely; I still found myself smiling, giggling and replying; Something that took my almost years to do with Laurence and Luke, whereas I’ve known Kier less than a month. He was everything I wanted to be; confident, happy, and free and when we were apart all I could think about was him. It was a little pathetic in my opinion, but part of me didn’t care; he made me forget about the static in my mind.

A soft knock on my bedroom door made me sit up on my bed, crossing my legs under me as I knelt on my ankles, calling to the knocker to enter.

“Hey, Shane.” Kier’s voice sounded as his form appeared through the opening between the door and its wooden frame. “Mind if I come in?”

I shrugged, tapping the space in front of me, a small smile already forming as he beamed and hurried over to the space I gestured, making sure to close the door behind him.

“Thanks,” He mumbled, mirroring my position in the darkening room. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“I-I’m fine.” I stuttered in reply, trying to supress any signs of my heart fluttering inside at his kindness.

“Good.” Kier merely replied, the room falling into silence a few seconds later. I watched through the breaks in my fringe as he opened and closed his mouth repetitively, as if he was trying to piece together a sentence but thinking against it. I was going to ask him about it but he finally released what was causing him this obvious distress. “Listen, Shane..” He mumbled, his gaze dropping down to his feet. “I wanted to apologise for my actions the other day-”

“O-Oh no, I-I...” I tried to cut in, but Kier didn’t listen.

“It was my entire fault, I shouldn’t have come onto you like that; I-I’m really sorry.”

With a shaky hand I reached out to him, curling my palm around his wrist and giving him a timid smile as he looked back up at me. “I-It’s fine… I overreacted.” I whispered, giggling softly as his smile widened into a grin. I desperately wanted to tell him that there was nothing to be paranoid about, that I actually liked the kiss and greatly craved his lips against mine once more.

“Thank god...” He breathed, trailing off with a soft, cute giggle. “I was so worried that you hated me or something.”
I shook my head in response, too afraid to voice my real opinions on the matter.

We fell into silence once more after that and as I sucked my lower lip into my mouth I felt him move his arm, causing the hold I had on it to break. “I should go...” He whispered, standing from the bed.

“N-No, wait!” I cried, a little too eagerly as it caused him to stare at me with raised eyebrows as I stood quickly from the bed. “I-I’m sorry if I make things awkward… I-I really don’t want them to be.”
Kier giggled, his lightness confusing me as he shook his head. “You don’t, I just have to pack.”

“W-What?” I mumbled, my own head shaking gently as I tried to make sense to Kier’s response. “Pack?”

Kier nodded, giving me what appeared to be a sad smile. “I leave tomorrow evening; I’ve done all the work I needed to here.”

I held in my whimpers, not understanding how Kier had managed to finish his work so soon. It felt like he’d only been here a few days. “O-Oh, I-I see…” I managed to mumble out, playing with my slim fingers.

“I’m sorry, Shane...” He mumbled, cautiously taking my hands and my eyes widened as he entwined the fingertips. I couldn’t reply, my full attention on the gentle feeling of him running the pad of his thumbs over the back of my hands and trying not to breathe too deeply or gasp in his presence.

“I really don’t want to go...” I heard him whisper and I responded with a small nod in agreement.

I wasn’t sure how long we stood in that position, I was in too much of a daze to pay attention to anything other than the man before me.

“I really should get ready,” Kier whispered, and I felt my head nod gently. “I don’t want to have to rush around tomorrow.” He added in the same tone.

“O-Okay...” I mumbled, eyes trained on our hands, transfixed on his thumbs.

Kier didn’t speak after that, only releasing a giggle as I felt his presence closer then the soft feeling of his lips on my cheek. I released my gasp, causing that heavenly giggle to sound from the model as he released my hands and left the room. 

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