Chapter Thirty-Seven - Shane

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Shane’s POV

Once Kier had left the room I released a loud, heart-wrenching sob before falling to the floor, my trembling hand still covering my open mouth; I physically couldn’t bring myself to close it. Tears began to fall at a heavy rate down my cheeks, drenching my fringe in the process. Looking down at my floor I heard the familiar sound of the Pokemon game Kier shown me earlier, causing a loud cry to leave my lips; a small ‘Property of Kier! Leave it!’ sticker was attached to the corner. Gripping it in my hands I raised the device to my head, tilting my hand back before projecting it towards the nearest wall. It made impact with the brick with a loud thud, the sound immediately stopping and I was left in silence. More cries followed, my form trembling with the power of them while I desperately attempted to calm myself, finding no reason to after a few minutes; He hurt me. The only man I’d managed to share my life with spent a night with another. He didn’t want to wait for me; I mean, why do that when you can get with a friend, right? 

The more I thought about it, the louder my cries became, causing me to curl in on myself on the floor and pray for it all to be a stupid misunderstanding; or for Kier to return and make the pain go away. I know I’d forgive him in a heartbeat, unable to process correctly without his guidance. However, I wasn’t sure Kier was even worth this ache anymore. Could I do better? Of course not. 

My form jolted in surprise at the sound of a knock on my door, my eyes widening and cries quietening while attempting to clear my throat enough to answer.

“I-I d-don’t w-want t-to... to see y-you, Kier.” I mumbled, guessing it to be my boyfriend wanting to explain his disgusting actions.

“It’s Drew, Sweetie,” was the reply, causing my eyes to widen more while pulling myself into a seating position, calling for him to enter moments later. 

He closed the door behind him as he entered my room, hurrying over to me and sitting himself down, pulling me into his lap where I hid my face in his neck immediately.

“What happened?” He asked in a whisper, allowing me time to calm myself down while he rubbed my back. “I just saw Kier; he looks down too.”

“G-Good.” I merely croaked out in response, nuzzling against my friend’s neck, as if in search of more comfort.

“Shane,” Drew sighed, as I felt him hold me a little tighter. “What’s going on? I haven’t seen you like this for ages.” 

“M-My boyfriend is an arsehole.” I replied, shaking my head timidly while removing my face from him to wipe my eyes on his shoulder; he never protested. 

“Why?” He whispered, pressing the topic further.

“H-He...” I tried to response, only managing one word before whining at the thought of it. “H-He w-went out a-and...” Drew didn’t pressure me any longer, patiently waiting for me to continue in my own time. “H-He must have b-been drunk b-but, h-he said he s-slept with someone...” 

Drew’s hand froze on my back, causing me to move back and gaze at his hardened expression, watching as he eyes were slowly reduced to slits while he glared. “What?” He growled, involuntary making me gulp. 

“K-Kier s-said he slept with a-a friend.” I could only repeat, unable to bring myself to explain the situation further; I felt sick at the thought.

“He cheated on you?” Drew growled once more, to which I merely nodded in response before feeling him gently push me from his lap, giving him the ability to stand. 

“D-Drew, please,” I mumbled, shakily standing from the floor and pushing my fringe over my face while looking over at him.” I-It doesn’t matter all t-that much...” 

“Yes, it does!” He cried, shaking his head in disbelief at me. “The guy’s an asshole.” 

“I-I know,” I whined in response, no matter how much it hurt me to say it. “B-But we’ll w-work it out.” 

Drew continued to shake his head, moving over to me and placing surprisingly gentle hands on my shoulders. “Shane, no,” He mumbled, in a soft tone. “When someone cheats on you, that’s it. They’re worth nothing more than the dirt on your shoe, understand? They deserve nothing.” 

With another whine, I shook my head, feeling more tears approaching. “B-But...” I began, instantly silencing myself as I met Drew’s insistent stare. “I-I don’t want to lose him.” I  explained in a whisper, feeling the need to let that out before Drew protested once more. 

“I know,” He whispered, pressing a small kiss to my head before moving back. “I’ll talk to him. Stay here, alright?” 

“B-But,” I protested, not wanting Drew to be left alone with Kier; who knew what he’d do. 

“It’ll be fine, Shane, Just stay here,” He replied, cutting me off as he moved to the door. “Alright?” 

I nodded dumbly in reply, looking around my dark bedroom for a moment before sitting myself down on my bed, watching as Drew left the room and closed the door behind him.

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