Chapter Fifteen - Shane

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Shane's POV

For the rest of that evening I helped Kier pack his things then returned to my own room, only to have the redhead follow me and sit himself on my bed; his signature grin the only explanation I received for his surprising actions. I'd have thought he'd have wanted to spend his last night here with Laurence, chugging down beers and singing along with the chart music on the Music channels on TV. However, once I noticed his presence in the room he ushered me over, making me sit beside him on my bed while my hands nervously played with the bottom of my shirt, twirling the fabric between my fingers and making large, loose knots.
We sat and spoke for a while; all night. Drew didn't come up and speak to me, he must have been with the others, but it didn't really bother me; I had Kier. We talked about anything and everything; from our thoughts and feeling on Green Day's latest album, to what would happen if we woke up by zombies banging on the bedroom door. They were silly, but interesting. Kier and I had a mutual agreement that we'd 'absolutely shit ourselves' then jump out the window and risk a broken leg during, what would be, judgement day.

"S-So, w-what do you have to get back home for?" I stuttered out, my previous grin dropping to a low frown as I stared at my hands and twiddled my thumbs.
"New photo shoots," Kier mumbled in reply, seeming as unhappy about it as I was. "Just some unknown clothing lines, probably really ugly ones too."
I chuckled slightly at that, moving hand to run the fingers through my fringe to rid of any knots that formed there.
"I'd much rather stay here with you." He continued, causing my cheeks to warm.
"S-So I've heard." I replied, attempting not to let Kier be aware of my embarrassment. It appeared to have worked as he chuckled softly and I could see him nodding from behind my thick blond locks.

We fell into silence for a while, and I couldn't help but think of how boring my life would become when Kier leaves; I wouldn't know what to do. He's the only person, other than Drew, who spoke to me and came into my room. Although, he did practically force himself upon me, I wouldn't have even bothered to communicate with the male if he hadn't. I probably wouldn't have even remembered the man's name, or even realised he was leaving before he was gone.
"Do..." Kier started, cutting himself off for a moment as he appeared to think through his words. "Do you have Skype?"
I shook my head timidly; who would I speak to on it? It wasn't like Drew left for long enough for me to bother Skyping him.
"You don't have Skype?!" He replied, voice loud in bewilderment.
I shook my head once more, feeling my cheeks heat up more. "I-I have no one to S-Skype with..." I stuttered out nervously in explanation.
"Aww, Shane!" Kier cooed, before jumping from my bed and grabbing my laptop from the side, returning to me straight after. "I'm going to set you up on Skype so we can call each other while I'm away." He confirmed, starting it up then getting to work on a profile.
I watched silently as he set up an account, my legs crossed beneath me on the bed.
"What should I put for your name?" He asked softly, amusing he meant my last name.
"C-Cyrus Barrone..." I mumbled out, pushing my glasses higher up my nose.
"D-Don't ask."

It's been a day since he left; a whole 24 hours. I haven't left my room, and from what Drew had told me when he brought me dinner earlier; Laurence hasn't either. I guess things must be more difficult for him; they've been friends for years. I'd probably be the same if Drew and I were in his position. I'd like to think that Drew would feel the same if I was living somewhere as far away as Kier was from Laurence.
Right now I was waiting anxiously for Kier to come online; We'd made a deal after my account was made that him and I would come online together at 8PM, my time, and Skype together. It's 20:11 now and there's no sign of him yet.
20:12 Nothing.
20:13 Nothing.
20:14 Nothing.

I was going to give up for the night and log out, planning on trying again later or maybe tomorrow but Kier's name lit up the screen, illuminating my room slightly with his name in bold and a photo of him; his signature pouty lips while he held a peace sign up to the camera. I giggled at the sight before accepting the call.

"Shane!" I heard his wonderful voice sound through my laptop speakers and giggled more as the sight of his face beaming into the webcam covered my screen.
"H-Hey, Kier..." I replied, more calmly than he did.
"Shane?" He mumbled, staring closer towards his webcam, eyebrows creased to show his apparent confusion for something I wasn't aware of. "It's all dark."

I released a small giggle; his confused expression was quite cute. Looking around the room I realised the reason he wouldn't be able to see me; I lived in darkness.

"Umm, K-Kier?" I mumbled out, looking back at the red haired male on my laptop screen. "M-My room is always dark, r-remember?"
"Well, you'll have to undrawn the curtains then, or put a lamp on." He merely replied, grinning at me through the computer.
"I-I don't think that's a good idea." I replied, shaking my head even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see.
"But I can't see you!" Kier whined, his plump lips forming a pout. "I haven't seen you for a day; a whole day, Shane!"

I chuckled, continuing to shake my head. Yet, as I stared at the pouting male on my laptop I couldn't help but move from the electronic device to turn on the lamp beside me then sit back down. "T-There, " I mumbled, grimacing at the sight of myself on the screen, although it still was slightly dark. "Better?"
"Much!" He beamed. "But it would be 10x as good if you'd stop looking so disgusted at me."
I frowned, flattening my fringe over my eyes. "I-I was looking at myself, honest."
"I know, Shaney!" Kier giggled, beaming in my direction while I gave him a nervous, weak smile in return.
"I-I'm, umm, missing you." I voiced, unable to hold it back as I heard the name he addressed me by.
"Me too," He sighed, his smile more soft and meaningful. "Hopefully ill be able to go on holiday soon or something. Then I'll visit you all again."
I nodded, playing with the sleeves on my grey pyjama shirt. "L-Laurence is missing you too... w-well, that's what Drew told me."

I heard a soft sigh from my laptop speakers once more while Kier nodded. "I miss him loads. Everything is so quiet over here; kind of makes me hate living alone."
"Y-You've got a nice home though." I commented, trying to cheer him up as I admired the scenery behind him. My attempts were successful as his musical laughter rang through my room.
"Yeah, but it'd be better if I had someone to share this home with. It's big and lonely."
"I suppose." Was the reply I settled for, much better than 'I'll live with you!' or 'Well, ahem, I'm single if you're asking'. Not that I'd ever say anything like that to him. That would be much too fairy-tale, and besides, He's a model; not some desperate loser. Not that I'm desperate or anything, if that's what you're thinking; I can barely look after myself, let alone try to care for someone else and protect them at the same time.

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