You & I [Kier/Shane]

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"A little while?!" Drew's loud whine boomed around the house, causing his roommate to flinch slightly. "And how long exactly is 'a little while', Beveridge?"

"I don’t know; a weekend, maybe? He's so busy with work that he'll get called away sooner or later." Laurence replied in attempt to reason with the infuriated blond.

Drew sighed from his place in the center of the living room, bringing a hand to pinch his nose.

It was currently 2am and the only light in the room was coming from a table lamp in which the bulb was dying out, working in alliance with Laurence's laptop screen to make the room somewhat visible.

"Does Shane know about this?" Drew mumbled, bringing his hand from his nose into the pocket of his hoodie that he threw on when Laurence called him downstairs 15 minutes earlier.

"Not yet, I'll probably tell him in the morning before I go and pick him up." He replied, shrugging it off as if it was nothing of importance.

"What? So I can be the one to comfort him while you go off with your best friend? Need I remind you that you haven't heard a single thing from him in three years?!" Drew's voice rose once more as he scowled down at the raven haired male who sat in a single armchair, laptop balancing on its arm carefully.

"I know how long it's been!" He snapped, Drew's words reopening wounds that he kept hidden for so long. He sighed slowly, attempting to calm himself before continuing. "Drew listen, I know you care so much for Shane, he's been in your life for so long but I need to see Kier again. Like you said, it's been three years! Kier to me is like Shane to you. I know it'll be tough for him but it's only for a little while; a week tops. Please, for me?"

Drew's eyes softened at his friend's request. "Can't he stay in a hotel?" He muttered.

Laurence merely shook his head, eyes pleading for Drew's acceptance.

"Urgh, fine. But you can tell Shane." He said, storming from the room. Laurence heard the sound of his friend walking up the creaking staircase of the house three of them shared together.

"Any funny business and he's out, Laur!" was the final words he heard before Drew's bedroom door slammed shut.

Laurence smiled softly at his friend's reaction, knowing that Drew was all talk; he'd never actually have the guts to throw Kier out. If anything, Kier would laugh him off then throw him out himself. Laurence knew that as soon as he met Kier, they'd get along instantly. At least, he hoped he would. Drew's acceptance was a rarity, for reasons Laurence was unaware of. Shane however, was a different story altogether. Shane's acceptance of people was nonexistent, which made Drew extremely protective of his best friend, which in turn made Laurence’s stomach churn at the thought of Kier's visit. In his mind, it could go one of two ways; a success where they'd get along so well that he might be able to see Kier more than once every few years, or horrifically wrong; in which he'd probably never see his childhood friend ever again.

Laurence hoped the latter was an impossibility. His gut however, continued to churn with fear. 

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