Chapter One - Shane

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Shane's POV

I stretched with a squeak as the sunlight crept through my room through the curtains. I never opened them; it took much out of me to see the public going about their daily lives... so I kept them drawn permanently. It wasn't that bad; personally, I preferred the darkness. It was easier to hide in. As I stood from my bed I walked around my room, grabbing various items of clothing from the floor and pulling them on my person; I never liked leaving my room until I was fully dressed, it was too embarrassing. Looking at myself in the mirror I flattened my hair slightly and stretched my t-shirt lower to make sure it was straight before feeling satisfied with my being.

Leaving my bedroom and shutting the door closed lightly behind me I felt a looming discomfort in the air. Something wasn't right here; why was there no noise? Usually there was at least some form of sound coming from a room in the house, I mean; I did share it with three other grown men. There was regularly at least some form of music; whether it be from Laurence's Guitar, Drew's Bass, or Luke's Drum kit that he kept in the spare room, or from one of the iPod docking stations that we had in almost every room in the house... there was always something filling the silence. However, this time; there was nothing.

As I walked down the creaking stairs anxiety bubbled inside me, was something wrong? Or were they simply not here? They wouldn't leave me alone, would they? They knew how much I hated being alone... I needed Drew. Where the hell was he?

My question was soon answered as I poked my head over the rail to peek into the kitchen where Drew was sat, head in his hands at the breakfast bar. I frowned lowly at his posture, he looked distressed.

Leaping from the bottom step I shuffled my way into the kitchen, pulling down the sleeves on my long sleeved shirt over my hands and placed myself in a seat opposite him.

As I sat down Drew removed his hands from his face, folding them on the table in front of us.

"Morning, Shane." Drew spoke, in a forced perky tone.

My eyebrows rose at his pitch. "Morning," I replied in a small voice. "Is everything okay?"

Drew nodded. "Yeah, fine." Yet, his gaze was fixed behind me; he was lying.

However, I merely nodded along with him; if Drew wanted to tell me he could at his own accord. "Where are Laurence and Luke? They're usually up by now." I commented looking around the room to prove a point that no noise was heard through the rest of the house.

"Yeah..." Drew trailed off, deep in thought. "That's what I need to speak to you about."

Fear bubbled inside me; Drew never acted like this with me. He was always so calm and laidback about everything. It wasn't like him to be so secretive and cautious around me; that was usually Laurence.

"What's wrong?" I mumbled, eyebrows creasing in concern.

"Well, you know Laurence's friend, Kier?"

"The guy that lives in New York?"

Drew nodded. "Well, he's in the UK for a few weeks for work and he doesn't have a place to stay so..."

I didn't listen to the rest of the sentence, I knew what was coming; I knew he was staying here. My throat swelled up at the thought of a stranger in this house, it couldn't happen; I didn't want a random person in my home. I wanted him to stay away.

"Shane? Shane!" Drew's fingers clicked in my eye line, the sound causing me to snap out of my trance.

"No." I mumbled, staring at him with glossy eyes.

"Shane, I'm sorry, I told Laurence it was a bad idea but he was his best friend and he hasn't seen him in ages." Drew rambled, grabbing my hand comfortingly across the table.

"It's okay." I replied, hiding my anxiety. It was only for a few weeks. I can do this. "L-Laurence hasn't seen him in years; he's bound to miss him."

Drew nodded, smiling. "He really does; he and Luke have gone to pick him up from the airport now. He'll be staying in the guest room; Luke's drum kit has been moved into the garage for a while."

I nodded. "O-Okay, I have no reason to go in there so I'll be fine."

"Oh, Shane..." Drew's voice was laced with sympathy and disappointment but I couldn't let it faze me.

"No, Drew." I replied, stern. "I can't do it; I can't get close to anyone again. You should know that."

I watched through my thick fringe as Drew nodded once more and licked the surface of his lips. "Okay, how about you and I watch films in your room for the day?"

I nodded, smiling timidly at his request. Drew always knew what to do in these situations.

Drew and I spent the remainder of the day in my bedroom, splayed out across the sheets on our stomachs as we feasted on popcorn and biscuits; watching any film we could find. Once we got to the fourth movie of the day; some romantic comedy Drew found in his bedroom, Drew announced that he was going downstairs to get himself a drink.

"Just going to get another drink, back in a sec. Want anything?" He asked. I simply shook my head in response. He patted my arm comfortingly before retreating from the room, the soft patter of his feet made his whereabouts on the floor clear.

I pressed pause on the minuscule remote, not wanting Drew to miss any important scenes of the film and folded my arms, resting my head on them. I wonder if Kier was here yet. I'm guessing he was; we've been sat up here for hours. Drew and I haven't even met him yet. I wonder what he looks like, Laurence had shown us a few photos from when they were in high school together; he seemed intimidating, to be honest. However, I'm guessing he doesn't look like a fifteen year old boy with a rebellious streak anymore. I assume he's quite attractive; he is a model after all. Although, I have no idea what he models; I've never been able to voice my opinion or questions to Laurence; it was a sore subject for him. He really missed Kier, they were friends since they were capable of saying 'hi' and once Kier moved away after high school, it left Laurence lost and broken. They kept in contact on 'Facebook' and 'Skype' but I'm certain it wasn't enough for them. Maybe Kier being here would do him some good; it would be nice to see Laurence smile again. He hasn't been himself for a while.

After waiting a reasonable amount of time I came to accept the fact that Drew wasn't coming back. Springing from my bed I ran to my closed bedroom door and left my room, shutting the door quietly behind me. Without making any sound I listened out for anything that could hint to me where Drew was. After waiting a few minutes I heard loud laughing that sounded distinctively like Drew coming from downstairs, followed by an unknown chuckle. Taking a deep breath I tip-toed down the flight of stairs and leant against the wall beside the door entering the living room.

Did I really want to do this? Did I really want a stranger to see me? I didn't want anyone to get to know me, I didn't trust anyone anymore. Not since them. I wasn't going to put myself in that position anymore; never again. Taking a deep breath I considered my options; I could go in there and get Drew - it wouldn't take any more than a few minutes and I didn't necessarily need to speak to Kier, or I could go back upstairs and watch the rest of the film by myself - but then the thoughts come back. I couldn't hear them when Drew was around, but now they're coming back; haunting me, choking me. I needed Drew.

Before I allowed myself to pay attention to my demons I opened the door with a creak. Shuffling my way into the room I was met with the faces of three of my friends; Luke and Laurence were seated on the sofa, Drew was sat on the armrest beside Luke, and in front of them in the armchair -what was usually my chair - was an unfamiliar face; Kier.

"D-Drew?" I squeaked out, hands clasped together, sleeves pulled over my hands while I hid my blushing face behind my fringe. "A-Are you c-coming back upstairs?"

I heard a slight sigh come from who I guessed was Laurence; I tended to frustrate him easily.

"Oh sorry, Shane. Were you waiting for me?" I heard him say. I nodded gently, feeling Kier's eyes bore into my form. "I'm coming back now, I promise."

I nodded once more before fleeing from the tense atmosphere. Running up the stairs I entered my room, slamming the door behind me and releasing a deep, shaky breath. He was really attractive, and it undermined me.

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