Chapter Two - Kier

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Kier’s POV

I despise planes… I really do; the sound of the vehicle itself, the way too hyper staff beaming down at you from their sectors, the inedible food that they try to make you force down your throats. The fact it defies gravity! It’s horrible. Plus, seeing as I’ve had my manager nattering down my earhole for the past five hours about “this shoot will make or break you, Kemp!”; it hasn’t been the nicest journey I’ve ever been on. 

Upon getting off the plane I was followed by my Manager who told me to keep my phone on my person at all times while we were here, as he will call at any time in the day when I get a shoot. Great, no rest for the wicked I suppose. Yet at that moment I didn’t care; I was finally going to see Beveridge. I spotted him as soon as our eyes met; black swooping fringe, eyeliner rings around his eyes, wearing a band shirt and skinny jeans; that’s my Beveridge. 

I ran at him as fast as I could, arms swinging by my sides as my backpack jumped with every step, and launched myself into his arms. 

“I’ve missed you so much, Bevers!” I exclaimed, giggling softly. 

I felt him return the gesture, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. 

“I missed you too, Kemp.” He chuckled, patting my back a few times before pulling away completely. “You change every time I see you,” He commented. “All red suits you though.” Laurence complimented me, gesturing to my new hairstyle.

“Yeah, hair dye commercial,” I informed him, shrugging. “It doesn’t look that bad.” 

Laurence and I made small talk on our way to his van; just the classics, such as; how have you been?, How’s the family?, Is the cat still alive? The usual. 

Outside the van I met Laurence’s friend Luke, who seemed nice enough, within the first 10 minutes of the journey home we declared a guitar hero war sometime soon. Although I was certain to lose; I haven’t played it since moving from the UK. 

“So Kemp,” Laurence started, turning around in his place from the front seat to look at me. “How’s life in New York?” 

I merely shrugged in reply. “It’s okay; Busy.” Truth be told, it wasn’t okay; I hated it there. I only had a handful of friends, none of which are anything but world famous models, and I hardly had time to myself that wasn’t when I was either, being forced into the gym or in front of the camera at all hours of the day. 

Laurence nodded. “I should come out to see you sometime; never been to New York…” 

“I’d love that.” I replied, half-heartedly. I’d never have the time for visitors at home. However, I gave Laurence my signature grin; I couldn’t let him down again. 

“Great!” Laurence exclaimed, bouncing in his seat as he turned back around to sit properly. I smiled gently at his reaction; I really did miss my Bevers. 

Soon after Luke pulled up into the driveway of a small but beautiful looking house. I had never been here before, last time I saw Laurence he was living in a miniscule flat on the eighth floor of a rundown tower block. 

“Its not much, but it’s all we have.” Luke commented as he got out the van. 

I followed suit shortly afterwards, slamming the door shut behind me as I stared with dilated eyes, at the house in front of me. “It’s lovely.” 

Laurence smiled at me before pulling me up the driveway, my bags in hand, and unlocked the door, ushering me in first. 

The house was what I expected from a group of men owning it; posters lined the walls of various bands and films, ‘nerf’ guns littering the floors and the strong sense of aftershave greeted you as you walked in. 

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