Chapter Sixteen - Kier

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Kier’s POV

The fact that my closest friends were on the other side of the world while I worked was taxing and exhausting to me. I craved a good conversation, not ones that involved whether I’d be up for yet another change of hairstyle or which shade of red brought out my eyes better. Anything that wasn’t work related; I was desperate. I hated being away from Laurence; we’d been friends for so long and since returning from the United Kingdom I was beginning to question how I’d managed to be away from him for so long. Yet, as I thought more about it, my reasons for asking myself these questions became clear to me; I wasn’t missing Laurence, I was missing him. Yes, less than a week since returning to my home I was already missing that mysterious blond haired boy. It’s pathetic, I am clearly aware of this; I’ve not known him for very long. Yet, each time I sit at my computer and beam down the webcam while his glistening orbs stare back at mine, I felt safe… and happy. I haven’t always been this upbeat, just like everyone else hasn’t. Things have been tough, deadlines need to be met and so does my rent, but when I’m with Shane for those few hours while he sits in his dark bedroom and stutters out about how his day has been; those little stresses in life seem to be forgotten, and for once, I find that okay.

Taking a deep sigh I sat up from beneath my silk sheets and lifted my arms above my head, straining the muscle against my inked skin while I stretched. Yawning loudly I finally removed myself from my comfort and went to have a quick shower before lazily pulling on a pair of tracksuit bottoms then went into the kitchen for breakfast. I didn’t eat much, breakfast usually made me feel ill so I kept myself healthy with a simple apple then sat at my computer, logging into skype instantly. Seeing as the UK is five hours ahead of me, Shane could be online by now. As I thought over those words, I saw a small green circle beside the name ‘Cyrus Barrone’; he was still yet to tell me the significance to the unusual screen name for himself.

Cyrus: Kier!

I chuckled as my name shown up in the chat box.

Kier: how cute.

Even as I pressed that button I couldn’t restrain myself from producing a small blush that rose gracefully in my cheeks, loving being able to speak to him like this without the heartbreak of his nervous posture and voice.

Cyrus: I’ve been waiting for bloody ages for you.

Kier: I was sleeping. 5 hours behind remember.

Cyrus: Unfortunately. It makes things so awkward; it means I have to wait all day just to speak to you :(

I couldn’t help but frown at Shane’s typed message, wishing for more than anything to be able to wake up in the same country beside him, or take him in my arms and changing that emoji’s frown upside down.

Kier: maybe I’ll be able to come back soon.

Cyrus: can’t you just have time off?

I sighed, shaking my head and beginning to type back an apology to tell him I honestly couldn’t, when another message came through.

Cyrus: Please?

Admittedly, I wanted to see him too, so why was I fighting this? I could simply call my manager and tell him in was going to have some time off. I deserved it; I haven’t demanded a break for years, and now I had a reason to want it.

Kier: I’ll call my manager. I’m sure he’ll understand.

Shane’s response came almost instantly, causing a grin to appear on my lips while my heart fluttered.

Cyrus: Seriously?! Do it now!!

I chuckled to myself, grabbing my phone from where it was charging in the kitchen and dialling my Manager’s number.

As I sat by down at my computer there were multiple excited messages from Shane to read while waiting for my Manager to answer my call; he always liked to waste other people’s time.

Cyrus: Are you calling him?

Cyrus: Do you think he would say yes?

Cyrus: It kind of sounds childish, you know…

Cyrus: A grown man asking for permission to do what he wants.

Cyrus: Have you called him yet?

Cyrus: I should probably stop messaging you

Cyrus: Phonecalls last longer than two minutes obviously..

Cyrus: I can’t

Cyrus: Kierrrrr

I couldn’t help but giggle as I read them all, about to try and answer him one handed when the sound of my Managers gruff voice sounded from my phone.

“Hello?” He murmured, causing me to lick my lips nervously.

“Hi,” I replied in the same tone, chewing on the skin of my fingers in habit while I stared at Shane’s name on my screen. “It’s Kier… I was wondering if I can ask you about the next few jobs I have.”
“Make it quick.” Was the only response I received, causing me to nod, even though I knew there was no chance of him seeing it.

“Umm…” I stumbled, trying to find a way of phrasing my words that would be the most likely for him to grant me time off. “I was wondering if there was any possibility of me having some time off? Only for a few weeks, if you could postpone the next few shoots for me, it’d be extremely appreciated.”

“Time off?! Why?” I heard him reply, his voice a slightly higher pitch as he voiced his surprise. “This isn’t like you, Kemp.”
I fell silent; I had literally no excuse for asking for this break other than I wanted to see a guy that I’ve been crushing on who lives five hours ahead of me.


 “M-My partner…” I mumbled out, my brain working on the spot. “T-They live in England and are quite sick right now… I wish to go and visit them for a while.”

“I see.” My manager replied, causing my head to rest on my hand as I tried to find some logic in my lame excuse. “Have all the time you need. I hope she’s better soon.”

The call ended soon after and I released an exhausted groan as I placed my phone beside the keyboard. I was so stupid. My partner lives in England and is sick?! How the hell am I going to pull that one off?!

Nevertheless, I still found a small smile creep along my cheeks as my fingers tapped out a reply.

Kier: He said yes. 

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