Chapter Twenty-five - Shane

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Shane’s POV

Kier’s lips were perfection, just as expected. Let’s be honest here, there’s literally no flaws that make up the man, He’s perfection. When our lips met I couldn’t help but become addicted to the sparks that flew between the movements of our forms. The hand on my cheek burned at the contact and I couldn’t stop myself from surprisingly confidently pushing forwards against his touch to feel more of him. I loved how my form felt as if it was on fire when we touched, even if it was only lightly. 

“Holy shit…” I heard Kier breathe as I pulled back, causing my cheeks to deepen to a harsh red.

“W-What?” I stuttered out, looking down at the small space between our bodies and trying to ignore the fact that Kier’s hand was still flat against my face.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long…”

“S-Shut up.” I giggled, shoving him lightly as his hand retracted from my cheek. “N-No you haven’t...” 

He didn’t respond to that, merely meeting his lips with my own again instead. I returned the kiss automatically, my form shaky and nervous as I hoped and prayed that I was a good kisser; I didn’t want to do anything that might cause me to humiliate myself in front of the redhead. He was practically talented at everything he did – he even made walking into an art form – and I always felt so mediocre  at everything around him; I just wanted to be good enough for him.

“I-I’m sorry.” He whispered as we pulled apart for the second time, crushing his lower lip between his teeth while he looked over at me with wide eyes. “I forced myself on you again.”
“N-No!” I stuttered, shaking my head frantically while my fringe flicked in front of my eyes. “I-It’s okay…”

“It’s not, I-”

“Please.” I cut him off, not wanting to see that small frown on his lips for a moment longer. “It’s okay, h-honestly… I-I liked it.”

I would have continued, try my best to tell him how much I actually liked him, but the sound of keys unlocking the front door cut me off. I jumped up from the sofa, stuttering out a small apology before hurrying up the stairs and into my room before the person at the door even opened it.

I couldn’t bear the thought of one of the other residents in this house to see me like that; red faced and at Kier’s mercy. It would be way too humiliating for me to be put into that position, especially if it was Drew who walked through the door. I don’t even want to think about what he’d think of me if he saw me kissing the man who he seemed to despise, for reasons unknown to me; there’s a high chance of him hating me. I’m not entirely sure why Drew insists on being so protective me, not now anyways. Things are completely different nowadays. Yes, there was a period in my life where I needed Drew’s protection, I didn’t have it from anyone else, but now; I don’t need him in the way he seems to be around me as much anymore. Things were different when I was a teenager; Drew and his family were the only people I had. When my own family gave up on me they were there to make sure I didn’t follow suit and give up on myself too. Now, right now; I didn’t need that much protection or ‘babying’, I was able to get up and dressed without Drew entering my room and pulling me out of my bed. However, I’d still need help and support when trying to leave the house, the mere thought still terrifies me, but I don’t need to be on constant watch… and I certainly don’t need someone to tell me who and who not to speak to; I’m not a boy in my early teens. Believe it or not, I’m a grown man who can stand on his own. Occasionally.

A knock on my door pulled me from the daze, and announce to the knocker to enter while I moved to sit cross-legged in the centre of my bed. Kier entered moments later, a faint blush on his cheeks as he mirrored my position in front of me.

“Hey.” He whispered, a little awkward which caused me to giggle slightly; it was always odd to see Kier in such a way, even more so when you think of how his career is practically based around his confidence.

“H-Hi.” I whispered in response, looking over at him with an even brighter blush to what he was wearing. Every time I looked at him I could only think about what happened downstairs, and how much I longed for those lips to be pressed against my own once more.

The room fell silent, neither one of us knowing how to make conversation with the other while we both mirrored each other’s posture; head looking down at our twiddling thumbs, lower lips sucked between our teeth while we chewed on the plump flesh.

“Listen, Shane…” I heard Kier mumble after a tiring amount of time in quiet. I looked up to meet his gaze through my thick blond locks, his cheeks surprisingly redder than previously as his hands appeared to tremble in what I could only assume to be nerves.

“Yes?” I asked, my voice oddly confident as I set myself the task of calming him.

“I-I was just wondering… umm…” He continued, pausing occasionally to phrase the words correctly while I stayed politely silent. “D-Did you mean to kiss me?” 
I didn’t understand his question; I was the one who asked for him to kiss me in the first place. “O-Of course… I-I wanted y-you too.”

“Why?” He asked; I should have expected this one coming. I knew it must have seemed a little odd for me to ask him, especially after how I acted in the past towards his kisses.

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself for the worst. “W-Well… I-I l-like y-you…” I stumbled out, my gaze yet again falling to my lap, too afraid to see Kier’s expression as I expressed my true feelings towards him. “A-And I-I h-have f-for a-a w-while.”

Kier didn’t speak for a period of time, causing my nerves to heighten and to question whether I should have spoken at all, before he said the words I’ve only ever dreamed of hearing.

“I like you too.” He whispered softly, only just hearing them but when I repeated them in my head, I could only manage a wide grin.

I felt him shuffle slightly closer to me, tuck my fringe behind my ear so my orbs could meet his happy ones while he took both of my hands in his own, his thumb running gently along the back of them.

“I’ve liked you since I met you, Shane.” He whispered, and my throat closed up, making me physically incapable of stuttering out how I felt the same.

“You should have told me,” He continued, my eyes extremely wide as I had no idea how this could possibly be happening right now. “Do you honestly feel that way towards me?”

I nodded, knowing Kier needed confirmation right now.

“Well, normally I would take you out on a few dates to get to know you a little more,” He giggled, causing my cheeks to burn. “But considering the circumstances, I think we’re a little past that…”

I had no idea where he was going with this, but I enjoyed hearing his voice too much to say anything against it.

“Be mine, Shane.” He breathed, looking deep into my eyes.

I froze. 

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