Chapter Forty-Seven - Shane

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Shane's POV

"Shane, give us a hand, will ya?" I heard Laurence shout from behind the wood of my closed door, causing me to release a small groan in response. I didn't want to help out, I just wanted to disappear; surely he'd understand that by now. I mean, he was always complaining that I never leave my room, so you'd think he'd get the hint and back off, like Drew did. At first, when things began to crumble again, he'd enter the room and rip the sheets from my form, demanding I left the bed and went downstairs; but now if I say no, he'd go away and try again in a few hours; he's gave up on me too.

"Shane, I mean it; get out of your room and help us out for once!" I heard him cry once more, followed by a few bangs to my door. "I will come in there!"

"Oh, fuck off, Laurence!" I cried out back, enough venom in my tone to force back my stutters; I know I didn't help out enough, but there was no reason to claim I never helped out at all. I mean, I stay in here, don't I? Isn't that enough help to them?!

"Oi!" He then shouted, voice booming regardless of the barriers between us. "Don't fucking talk to me like that, you asshole!"

My eyes squeezed shut, burying myself further into the soft sheets containing me and holding back tears; I hated it when he shouted at me, His voice was terrifying to me.

"That's enough, Laur," I heard a calmer voice reply, instantly appearing to calm him as there was no more raised voices. "Let him be."

Moments later there was the sound of distant tapping, signalling Laurence's departure before the previously gentler voice sounded through the wood in his replacement.

"Hey, Shaney, it's only me," Drew called, causing me to turn over on my bed to face the door. "Is everything okay, Buddy? Want some company?"

My lips curled into a weak smile, eyes gazing at the door in front of me. "Y-Yes, I'm fine," I murmured, not having the energy to curse myself for my weak tone. "N-No, I think i'll be okay... I-I just want a-a nap.."

"Alright, mate," was thankfully his response. "I'll just be downstairs, send me a text if you need me, okay?"

I nodded, not caring about the fact he couldn't see and closed my eyes, releasing a gentle sigh in relief as I heard Drew walk away. Buring myself further into my sheets, only allowing the top of my head to be on show I prayed for sleep, not wanting to be awake for a minute longer; the days dragged on nowadays, and I knew it was because Kier was no longer beside me, supporting me through the long hours. I knew he was the reason I no longer wanted to leave my room, or talk to my housemates, but I refused to allow him to get back in contact with me; I couldn't move passed the fact that he hurt me. It was my biggest fear when I let Kier in, but he didn't care; All it took was for him to get drunk and it was the first thing he did. My eyes squeezed shut a little tighter, a small whimper escaping my lips before attempting to fall asleep, desperate to remove him from my mind. It didn't take me long to fall asleep; it didn't matter if I hadn't even left my bed all day, I was practically always tired.

It was raining again. It's seems as if it hasn't stopped raining since I left, not once wanting to take a break for the alleyways to dry up a little to help me out slightly before starting again. My phone was almost out of battery, which didn't help the situation, meaning that Drew would start to get suspicious if I suddenly stopped responding to his text messages asking why I wasn't in school that day, or if my 'cold' had passed yet so we could hang out again. I felt terrible for lying to him, but there was no way I could let him know my situation; he'd insist that I'd return to my parents, and that was out of the question right now.

Hurrying down yet another road, I watched out for impatient drivers and cyclists as I crossed various streets, heading for the only store that didn't mind if I curled up in their doorway for a few hours - only until the rain stopped; it wasn't wise to stay in one place too long this late at night. Upon reaching the store, I was pleased to see that it had already closed up for the night, leaving me to attempt to dry off in peace; there was no way of me telling the time anymore, unless I was near the library which had a large clock on the side of their building, but that was too far away to walk in this weather. Plus, it was situated outside the most popular bar in town, which I was going nowhere near.

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