chapter 24

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*Jungkooks pov.*

I smiled back. "Good job finding them. I think uncle Chimmy is tired now." I said.  I soon then got a call from y/n. "I'm sorry I have to answer this." I said and and answered the call.

*On the phone*

Y/n: "Hello Oppa, I'm heading home right now with I.N . It's late and I was wondering if I could stay at I.N's place."  I froze.

Me: "Princess pass me the phone to I.N, I need to tell him something." I said serious.

I.N: "Hello Jungkook, y/n said you wanted to tell me something."

Me: "I.N, don't do anything stupid to her. I will find out if you do it and if you do I will hunt you down and beat your ass up." I started to smile murderously.

I.N: "O-ok, I won't do anything stupid anyways. It's not my intention I just want to eat dinner with her." I.N said stuttering.

Me: "I'm joking but seriously I'll kill you if you hurt her." I started to laugh like a maniac.

Me: "Bye" I said and smirked.

*Call ended*

Everyone then looked at me. "What happened, what are you looking at me scared?" I said confused.  "We aren't supposed to make jokes like that here. They'll get scared." Jimin said whispering to me. "You still have a phsycho side in you. You never changed. Did you ever finish your medical studies." Namjoon asked and I scratched my nape.

"I actually couldn't afford it so I did another study." I said. "What field did you study in?" Jin asked curiously. "Since I couldn't study in the medical field I went to the police department and studied there." I said. Namjoon was shocked. "You studied for the police department?! How did you study for that? I mean you didn't want to study in that department in the first place." R.M said.

"Well I meet Bangchan there and he got me in the department since his parents were one of the instructors. They also helped me pay for the study." I said. Jin smiled. "Well I actually studied in the medical field as a doctor. I still work at the hospital as the head director there. If you want I can get you a degree and let you work at my hospital." Jin insisted.

"Really?! That would be great but I can't work 4 jobs at the same time." I said apologizing. "You work 3 jobs? That's so much pressure. What do you work as?" R.M asked.

"I can't tell you my last job since it's kinda inappropriate." I said. "You can tell us we don't mind." Jin said. Eunwoo, Hobi hyung and Eunwoo went back to the garden before I told them my jobs. "Well I'm an office worker, I work at bangchans' building, and lastly i-im a s-stripper." I said and stuttered at the end in fear.

"Your a stripper? At which club?" Jin asked. Both R.M and jin were confused. "I used to work at Moonlight stars. I quit because me and Jimin got abused from the boss." I said giving a forced smiled. "I'm so sorry for the abuse you got. You can quit your job as a stripper and an office worker and work for me." Jin said.

"I don't know, I have to work all my jobs so my brother doesn't ask me for more-" R.M cut me off. "I think it's better you work at the hospital. If you don't want to work as a nurse or doctor you can be my husband's assistant." My eyes widened at the opportunity he gave me.

"I'll think about it. I just need to support my family. My grandparents can't take care of the company for too long and my brother wants to take it. I just don't know what to do. Me and Jimin are stuck in the same position as well." I said looking down.

"I can help you with that. What type of company do you guys own? I can take over for you untill your prepared. Once your ready you can take over and be head of the company." R.M said. "Jimin studied as a doctor and only needed to be trained a bit longer.  I can do that and he can quit the Jobs he has now. It'll be less stress for him and the baby." Jin said.

"We own a fragrance and make up company. I think Jimin will like your offer. We will call you when we are ready and I have told my grandparents that I will take over the company.  I will quit my jobs as soon as I save the money needed and when they find me and Jimins' replacement."  I said assuring him. "We have to go now it's pretty late and Jimin and Eunwoo are probably tired." I said and got up

"Here it's our number, call us when you are done with the preparations. I'll lead you guys out." R.M said. Both Namjoon and Jin got up as Hobi, Jimin and Eunwoo came. Jimin carried Eunwoo and Hobi grabbed Jimins' waist. They looked like a family. Both R.M and Jin lead us out and we bid our goodbye. We then got home and slept as I did the paperwork my boss asked.

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