♟Chapter 7♟

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The following day after Norman's confrontation, he and the other three made their way into the forest once being released for free time.

"So, what happened with the rope? Did you find out who the informant is?" Emma asked.

Norman had a hesitant look but then, a bewildered expression made its way to his face as Ray said, "Oh, that. It's me and Y/n."

"We're the ones who have been leaking the info." He bluntly admitted.

"Huh? I already said I wasn't an informant. Well, not one like you." Y/n deadpanned, looking at Ray who merely shrugged.

Emma was processing what Ray had said, tilting her head.

When she finally comprehended, she shrieked, "It was you!?!? And there are two of you!?"

She then held her head as her legs were shaking, and said, "Oh, uh, sorry about that reaction. But I...don't exactly understand."

Ray snickered as Norman exclaimed, "Let me explain!"

Once he did, Emma pondered in silence for a moment, her eyes shifting between Y/n and Ray.

"So, Ray is Mama's spy, but he's not our enemy. The reason why he was helping Mama this whole time...was for our sake? And Y/n, he helped Mama to narrow down suspicion being brought into him so he could still help us?" Emma questioned.

Norman nodded, "Yeah..."

Ray then spoke up, "The truth is, we were planning on telling you as soon as you came back from the gate. But you left Little Bunny behind and mentioned bringing everyone with."

"So, we had no choice but to hold off. Then, Mama found out, which meant we had to work all that while also handling your reckless actions. We figured it was best to keep quiet and keep things under control."

"Basically, you were covering for the mistake Norman and I made. And you're still against escaping with everyone..." Emma said.

"I had a change of heart. So, I'll help you escape with everyone." Ray said.

"That's unlike you." Emma said, squinting her eyes.

"Do you think he's lying?" Norman asked.

"Mm-mmm! I'm glad. Having Ray and Y/n there to help everyone escape is gonna be great. And now we have all kinds of info to use so we can trick Mama from the inside. We're at an advantage!" Emma responded.

"Although...that means you knew for a long time, didn't you?" She asked, looking at the two informants. "I bet it was tough. Knowing and sending them all off. So many of our siblings."

She then walked closer to them, Y/n slightly sweat dropping as she stared at him intently.

"Hey...about the tracking devices. They were tested on our siblings, weren't they?..." Emma asked.

Ray's breath hitched, Y/n slightly whistled as he looked away, and Norman gasped.

"So then, tell me. What happened to all those kids? You didn't make them get shipped out early, did you? I sincerely hope you didn't sacrifice someone for us."

Ray sighed.

"Actually, I should thank you. Because of that, all of us can run away." Emma said.

But then, she grabbed one of their hands each and held them tightly together in her own hands.

"But you'll have to promise me that you'll never do that again. You're not alone. You've got us now..." She said.

Ray grinned and put his unoccupied hand up and said, "Alright, fine. I give you my word. Let's escape from here together."

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