S3 Ch.2 Midnight Madness

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We open to Max and the kids walking out of the Mega Mallopolis super store towards the Rustbucket. While they were walking Gwen was reading from a book about the mall.

Gwen: "500 stores, 72 restaurants, 48 movie screens, an indoor rollercoaster!"

Ben: "We could just spend the whole summer here."

Y/n: "I would not be opposed to that."

Suddenly an alarm goes off. Two shadowed figures are seen fleeing from the mall police.

Max: "Including their own police force."

Ben: "Looks like the rent-a-cops could use some help. What do ya say Y/n?"

Y/n: "Its been a while since we whooped some butt, let's do it."

The boys transform into Wildmutt and Echo Echo and chase after the fleeing robbers, with Y/n riding on Ben's back. They chase the robbers into the upper levels of a parking garage and find the robbers to be an old couple.

Echo Echo: "They seem a bit old to be robbing malls."

Ben roars at the couple. In response the couple begin to fight Ben and Y/n using complex and advanced acrobatics. The couple are able to easily out maneuver the alien heros during the fight. However, they are interrupted by the mall police, allowing the old couple to escape. The police pursue Ben and Y/n until Max was able to pick the boys up in the RV. The police chase the Rustbucket and eventually cut Max off forcing him into crashing into a light post. One of the cops enters the Rustbucket in search of Wildmutt and Echo Echo, but only finds Max and the kids.

The next day, the kids were walking around in the mall.

Y/n: "I feel bad about the Rustbucket. We could have handled that differently."

Ben: "Hey, it wasn't our fault, Y/n. We made the best of a bad situation. Nothing more, nothing less."

Hope: "That was very maturely put Ben. Maybe Y/n is finally getting through to you?"

Ben: "Yeah, well Y/n can only yell at me so many times before I actually learn something."

The kids laugh before Gwen notices a promotional message board.

Gwen: "The amazing Sublimino, master of hypnosis, last day?"

Y/n: "Hypnosis?"

Hope: "Could be interesting."

Ben: "I guess it's worth checking out."

The kids made their way over to a stage where they heard Sublimino introducing himself. A puff of pink smoke appeared on stage with Sublimino walking through it and coughing. While walking towards the microphone, he nearly trips on his overcoat.

Sublimino: "Behold Sublimino. I am about to take you on a journey through that mysterious realm known as the mind. First, I shall require some volunteers."

Ben: "This is rich."

Y/n: "I'll say. I'll volunteer!"

Gwen pulled out a camcorder as Y/n made his way on stage with an elderly man and woman.

Sublimino: "Now, clear your minds. Focus only on this pocket watch as it swings back and forth. Your eyelids are feeling heavy. You are falling into a deep sleep."

As they stare into the pocket watch, nothing happens. Y/n shares a confused look with the other volunteers as Gwen, Ben, and Hope are giggling at how Sublimino has failed to hypnotize Y/n. However, Sublino then in the button on the side of the pocket watch and Y/n and then other volunteers suddenly fall asleep. Sublimino then starts to give each of his volunteers commands. At first it was funny, until he tells Y/n that he is an alien and he reaches for the Ultimatrix. Gwen quickly runs on stage and tackles her boyfriend behind the curtain of the stage as he transforms.

Sublimino: "You are ruining the performance!"

Gwen: "Sorry, my boyfriend had to run to the little alien's room."

Sublimino buys the lie and returns to his show. Gwen breaths a sigh of relief but then looks up at Big Chill, hovering above her.

Big Chill: "Take me to your leader. Your will is my command."

Gwen adopts a mischievous smile at his words.

Later that night, while Max is working on the Rustbucket, the kids are sitting around the table as Gwen is holding her camcorder, playing videos of a hypnotised Big Chill serving Gwen in a variety of ways.

Y/n: "You couldnt resist could you?"

Gwen: "Sorry, hun. But I mean wouldn't you do the same?"

Y/n glared at her, cuasing her to chuckle nervously.

Hope: "Did you really have to make him call you mistress the entire time too?"

Y/n: "You know Gwen, I would have done those things for you without the mind control if you asked, but now I'm not so sure."

Gwen: "Oh come on, it was just a little fun. No harm, no foul."

Y/n gave a small growl.

Ben: "At least you snapped out of it when you timed out."

Max then enters the RV and everyone is soon off to bed. The next day, Max and the kids are walking through the mall, however Y/n is unusually very tired. They come across one of the mall rides to discover its engine had been stolen while parts of the ride had been crushed. The rest of the day without incident, and as an apology for using Y/n like a servant while he was hypnotised, Gwen spoiled Y/n with gifts and food that she paid for.

Later that night, around midnight, Y/n awoke and transformed into Upgrade. Much to the dismay of the others. Y/n was able to steal the mall's clock off its tower and fly away with it, despite the best efforts of the mall police, Fourarms, and Hope. Y/n flew the clock to a warehouse where he met up with Sublimino.

Sublimino: "Who are you? What happend to the big dinosaur guy? Oh well. Who cares, as long as you do what I say? Now get out of here before the cops see you!"

Y/n then merged with a bulldozer and speed off. The next morning, Y/n woke up in the bucket of the bulldozer, not remembering what happened the night before.

The group tries to come up with an explanation as to why Y/n is stealing all these items, but come up with nothing. They decide to try and keep Y/n awake until they come up with something. After spending all day trying to keep him awake, they simply end up falling asleep themselves. As Gwen and Hope are snuggled up against Y/n in bed, he suddenly gets up and transforms into Swampfire. His transformation awakens everyone else. They follow Y/n to the warehouse section of the mall and find him melting chains into a cable. Ben transforms into Heatblast.

Heatblast: "Y/n! You need to wake up!"

Y/n attacks Ben, not listening. In the ensuing battle, the boys accidentally blow up the store. The next day, the gang discovers that Sublimino is controlling everyone he has hypnotised with his pocket watch through Gwen's camcorder.

Later at the mall, Gwen has the idea to hand cuff Y/n so he cant use the Ultimatrix.

Y/n: "Are you sure this is the best idea, Gwen?"

Gwen: "Unless you got something better. Besides..."

Gwen cuffs Y/n's hands behind his back and leans into his ear. What she says causes him to blush. He looks at Gwen in disbelief, her only response is a sly wink.

Suddenly, the stolen clock is lowered into the mall. Sublimino is broadcasting across the mall as he begins to hypnotize everyone in the mall, luckily Y/n and Hope are able to escape. Hope unlocks his handcuffs, however they are suddenly attacked by a hypnotised Wildvine.

Y/n: "Hope, you take care of Sublimino. I'll handle Ben."

Hope: "Got it."

Y/n: "Sorry Ben."

Chromastone: "Chromastone!"

As Y/n kept Ben at bay, Hope was able to stop Sublimino and unhypnotize everyone. Max and the kids soon got back on the road, after sleeping for a few hours.

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