S3 Ch.5 Game Over

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We open to the Rustbucket parked outside a gas station. It's raining heavily outside keeping Max and the kids inside for the day. While Max is asleep, the kids are wide awake trying to keep themselves entertained. Ben is playing his Sumo Slammers video game, Hope is reading her spellbook, and Y/n is messing with Gwen's hair. Gwen is sitting in between Y/n's legs with her back against his stomach while her head rests against his chest. Gwen has her eyes closed and is simply enjoying the moment, while Y/n is braiding her hair. Asid from the low sounds of Ben's game, it's very quiet in the RV. However, the silence is broken when Ben suddenly throws his controller across the room.

Ben: "Arrgh! Stupid game!"

Y/n doesnt even take his eyes off Gwen when he addresses Ben.

Y/n: "Still cant beat your game?"

Ben: *Mumbling* "Stupid final boss... undodgable chin move... stupid."

Hope: "Keep at it Ben, you'll beat it."

Gwen: "Yeah, it cant be that hard."

Y/n: "Maybe you should lower the difficulty if it's so hard."

Ben looks away from them, still pouting.

Y/n: "What difficult are you play-"

Y/n stops midsentence when he looks at the screen to see the game difficulty. And it blew him away. Ben was playing on Easy. Y/n quickly shoved his face into the crook of Gwen's neck and laughed.

Y/n: "He's playing on easy and he cant beat the game!"

When they heard this, Gwen and Hope immediately started laughing too.

Gwen: "Either that game is super hard, or you're super bad at games!"

Y/n: "Maybe you should take a break from the game?"

Ben: "Oh, I'll break the game alright."

Ben then transforms into Upgrade and merges with his game console and cheats his way to victory.

Hope: "Ben, you're being a sore loser."

Upgrade: "Whatever."

Ben then growls little mechanical legs and starts to scurry around the Rustbucket.

Y/n: "Alright Ben, that's enough. Unmerge do something else."

Upgrade: "Make me!"

Y/n: "I will if you dont!"

Upgrade: "I'd like to see you try!"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes the antenna of the Rustbucket. The surge of electricity rushes through the power cord of Ben's console and sucks him into his game.

Hope/Gwen/Y/n: "Ben!"

The kids gather around Ben's console and see him in the game still as Upgrade.

Y/n: "Ben, you ok?

Upgrade: "Yeah, I'm alright. This is amazing! I'm actually in the game!"

Gwen: "Yeah, amazing I'm sure. Now get out of there before you-"

Ben the times out in the game.

Gwen: "That."

Y/n: "Huh, Ben stay put I'll come in after you."

Ben: "No way! This is great!"

Y/n: "Too bad Ben. Its game over."

Y/n transforms into his Upgrade and merges with the game. After a moment Y/n comes back out with Ben.

Ben: "Aw man. This blows, big time."

Upgrade: "Guess you ran out of lives Ben. Here, this should occupy you for a while."

Y/n hands Ben a book, and then times out. Y/n goes back to braiding Gwen's hair. Ben sits down and looks at the book in his hands with disgust.

Ben: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?"

Hope: "Just give a chance Ben."

Ben shrugs and opens the book. After about an hour, Y/n and the girls look over to Ben and see that he has a smile while reading the book.

Gwen: "Enjoying the book Ben?"

Ben: "Yeah, dont like Ron, though. He's a jerk to Hermione."

Gwen: "But you're a jerk to us sometimes."

Ben: "That's different, you're my family."

Hope: "All of us?"

Ben gives Hope a smile.

Ben: "Yeah, all of you."

The kids share a smile at return to a comfortable silence as the rain outside offers a soothing atmosphere.

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