S4 Ch.8 Ready to Rumble

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We open to Max and the kids sliding down a hill on a park, riding blocks of ice. Max and the kids are cheering as they reach the bottom.

Ben: "Alrighy! That was so much fun! Can we go again?"

Max: "Sorry, Ben. Ice is all melted."

Ben: "Ahhh."

Max: "Tell you what, how about we all get ice cream on the way back to the Rustbucket?"

The Kids: "Yeah!"

Back in the Rustbucket, the kids were eating their ice cream while minding their own business.

Y/n: "Taking a break from Harry Potter, Ben?"

Ben: "After what happened during the Tri Wizard Tournament? Absolutely. I can only handle so much Ron."

Y/n and the girls laugh at Ben's remark.

Ben: "Hey Gwen, can I use your computer? I wanna check out the new Sumo Slammer Blog."

Gwen: "Sure."

Gwen hands Ben her computer. Gwen then looks at Y/n and hugs his arm while resting her head on his shoulder.

Gwen: "I'm sorry, Y/n."

Y/n: "What for?"

Gwen: "I've been a little distant. And Hope had to talk some sense into me. So, I'm sorry."

Y/n: "Hey, I wont pretend to understand if you're going through something, but you never have to apologize to me."

Gwen: "Thanks."

The kids sit in a comfortable silence, while Max reads a book up front.

Little did they know, that everything was about to change. Especially for Y/n.

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