Harry- My First and Last

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hello! this is going to be a bit of a long note, but please if you can read this it'll mean a lot to me. i've had this book going for almost three years now, and i've found myself emotionally attached to it. wattpad has always been the place i was able to go to whenever i was feeling alone or like the world would turn on me in any second. writing is like second nature to me and the feeling of receiving the amount of love i did from my writing — even when it wasn't the best — will never compare to anything i've ever felt. in no way am i saying wattpad isn't a safe space for me anymore, nor am i saying i ever regretted starting this book, because that really is not the case. despite my constant irregularity on this account, there so many people who decided to stick with me, because of my writing. i'm glad to have met the people i did (paige! you're probably not even reading thus but if you're reading hey bestie <3) and to see how people bonded through the chapters i wrote. i'm glad to have provided some comfort with my writing as it evolved from just y/n or the characters dying lol. i still love harry potter and writing, but with this very unnecessary and long note, i just wanted to say that this will be the end of this book. i'm entering an argueably harder time in my life, and having time for writing isn't something i see happening. i will be writing for harry as my last story, kind of like a full circle, if you will. this may or may not be the last! i might finish any unfinished series before officially ending this book but we shall see. thank you so much for sticking till the end, and if you'd like you could look forward to any short works i may put up since i will have the time as it's now summer for me! much love. please continue wearing your masks and staying safe. <3

TRIGGER WARNINGS— touches on the topic of war, violence, blood and death.

NOTE— kinda tooth rottingly sweet with a little more than just a bit of angst.

SONG— i don't want to watch the world end with someone else; Clinton Kane


SHE COULD FEEL THE pounding of her heart against her chest. She was sure if the world were any quiter, anyone would be able to hear the loud beating of her heart. The heavy atmosphere that came with war would never be something she'd be able to explain. The shaking of her fingers, the shallow breaths and the sleepless nights fearing the next time her eyes flutter open— her loved ones would be dead.

"Y/n! There you are." A hushed whisper silenced her heart, the familiar face of a boy she's come to love comes straight into her line of vision. "Harry, you're bleeding—!"

The boy sends her a lopsided smile, presenting the blocks of firewood he was able to collect. Blood dripped down his hands as he attempted to hide them from her.

"How— Did you use your bare hands?! You're crazy!" She tutted, grabbing his hands in hers. The heat on her cheeks were ignored for now, her mind focused on dragging the sheepish boy back into their tent.

Hermione sits quietly, her gaze cast downwards. The other two teens knew she took Ron's departure the hardest out of the three of them—but at the sight of the royal red liquid seeping out of Harry's hands, she was up in a heartbeat. "Bloody hell, Harry Potter!"

Snickers left Harry's lips as he listened (not really) to Hermione's shrill voice scolding him. His eyes focused on the girl standing in front of him. He felt her hands tentatively wrapping his in bandage. He admired how much love and care she put into her actions—when they weren't fighing death eaters, at least.

"You can't even— Are you even listening to me?" Hermione sighs, exasperated. This brings loud chuckles from Harry's lips, soft giggles even coming from Y/n. Soon, the bushy-haired girl joins the two, their laughs resounding in the tent.

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