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My days passed without even a slight difference from the previous day. But I liked it like that. I seriously didn't have any wish to get in trouble in some foreign land. It was better to have no excitements than a handful of complicated problem.

But this day is special. This day I would get my salary. First ever money that I am going to earn. Basically the salary is calculated hourly but I had already demanded that my salary should be given only at month end. If I were to get money daily it would be exhausted as easily as I breath. But I still doesn't know how much I would earn. It was to be surprise as mom and Aunt said.

At about 7:00 clock Aunt came to me with a huge smile and I knew it was time.

"so .. check your phone for your surprise." She said looking at my phone.

I jumped for my phone and saw the first notification from my bank.

The minute I saw the amount I felt that the next moment I would faint. I could hear all my doubts shouting in my head.

what the fuck is this much amount doing in my bank account?

Is this the amount she was talking about? Is this my salary?

I know even without calculator that this not a small amount.

Is there any fraud? O my god did someone hack my bank account?

If she gives her staff this much amount won't she be bankrupt soon?

"Aunt. I think... "

Georgian came to her and whispered something in her ears.

"sweetie I think you must leave now. Go and enjoy" she smiled and walked away.

I closed up my tasks still staring at the message.

The moment I got out of the store I called mom.

"mom what exactly is a 1800$ doing in my account?"

"why? That's your salary I guess."

" What's wrong with you mom, 1800$? That's like 1 lakh something rupee. Why am I getting this much money. Papa and you get half of this even after having higher qualification and job. Moreover what am I supposed to do with this much money?"

"Zahi listen you are not in India, so why do you bother how much it's rupee value is? You know that cost of living there is double as much here and you have your education to handle too. And about our salary we live here and this is more than enough to live lavishly here. But you would need more money to cover all your expenses. So just relax. Its your money. And it's not like we have done any favor. This is the normal pay and you have worked for it."

"huu. I think you should tell aunt to give my salary in half a month. If I see these big figures ones more I would pass out. Ok now bye I am almost in my room."

"bye take care beta."

I went straight to Eva and hugged her tight and told her about me being almost rich. After five minutes of laughing and smiling she sat next to me on her bed and said slowly

"now that you have got your first salary and that we are happy we could celebrate right?"

"of course, Eva. of course, we should. Why do you doubt?" I said smiling.

"no. not the kind of celebration you mean. I mean free celebration."

"what exactly are you saying miss?" I said getting up going to my wardrobe to change in into my night dress.

She walked behind me and said in one long breath "josh is throwing a house party on Friday night and has invited both of us. I know I could go with others but please just this time come with me. Please please please."

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