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"Holy fuck. We can't go like this. " Drake said the moment I got out of my room all ready for the wedding.
For some weird reason both of us were wearing blue.
"Of course we can't go like this. Please drake go change. "
"Why should I change? You go change."
"Drake you know I will have to change everything from makeup to my shoes. So please go wear some other colour. Just please go. "
"No way. This is my best dress and I won't change. Zahira you have to change. I don't want us to look like some fucking twins. "
"Exactly. You.... "
"O my god. Look at you guys. " Lucy was standing at the door with her hands on her cheek "adorable."
Drake and I made a face at her and went back to arguing. Lucy ran to my room to get my Polaroid camera and even after a thousand groans and protest she was standing in front of us asking me hold my hands around his hip and asking him to hold me by my shoulder.
"Would you go change if I were to tear you tux at the place I am holding. " I asked looking at him still smiling for the camera. He looked at me with a wide smile and asked "would you go change if I tear your sleeves right now? "
"This is adorable. " Lucy said handing me the photo. Yes it is adorable. Two people wearing same colour dress smiling at each other. I kept the photo with a stack of other photos. I have been planing to hang them on the wall for a long time. And I must agree that out of all the photos in that stack this is the best.

Drake looked really happy to be seeing his friends. Because from the moment he saw them I have not seen him. My coming here was a huge mistake. I had expected sam to stay a little longer but he said he had works and left soon after the wedding. He didn't stay for the party. So now here I am sitting in front of the little drinks counter all alone. Seriously I don't mind it much. But the thing that I mind is drunk people falling on me dancing.
"Drake." I saw him sitting next to me and almost jumped with relief.
"Uhm. Already missing me? "
"Shut up. So, can I drink this? " I asked pointing at a glass with some drink. I don't know it's name.
"I am not your father. Why are you asking my permission? "
"No not like that. Does this have that sort of alcohol that will make me really drunk? "
"Uhm... Maybe three glass of that can make you drunk. By the way it's rosë wine. "
I was on my second glass when a guy came to me "hey. Wanna come with me tonight. " I almost choke on my drunk. Had my mom heard him she would beat the shit out of him.
"No." I turned a little to the side of drake.
"Hey. Wanna marry me? " Drake and I spat out our drink in unison. Drake was laughing and I was in shock.
"Who the fuck are you? " He was really drunk I guess. He was constantly asking me the same question. I took hold of Drake's hand and said " Actually I have a boyfriend. " At this drake started laughing again.
"It's just a boyfriend honey. Breakupppp. " That guy said in a really slurry voice.
I laughed a little "did I say boyfriend? Silly me. I meant husband. He is my husband and you better get the fuck out of my face. " He turned on his heels to the next girl and repeated the same questions. I turned to look at drake and he was laughing his ass off looking at his phone. Precisely speaking looking at a photo of me and that guy.
"Let me sent the picture of you and your prospective husband in the group. "
"Who the fuck added you in the group? "
He walked away still laughing at the picture only to come back two minutes later to pull me into the dance floor.
Drake was singing, dancing, jumping in short enjoying. It was nice, for once at least, to be surrounded by strangers and to dance without give a damn shit about anybody. I am glad I came with drake. He always fills the gap.

We staggered back home still laughing about the man who got all drunk and weird on the dance floor and almost pulled down another man's trousers. Drake collapsed into the couch laughing. My eyes caught the photo, a reminder of a good day.
"You know you should do something with that. " He was looking at me.
"I know. I want to. But I never get started. Some other day. " I kept the photo in a box with all the other photos and closed it.
"You better hurry up. You may want to do that before you marry that guy. Will you marry me? " He was imitating that guy from the party.
"Fuck off. " I threw a pillow on his face "go and take a bath. You smell like you took a bath in sweat. Sweat of a hundred people. "
"Disgusting." He walked to his room shutting the door on his way.
Maybe we could be like this. Always. Close yet far. Maybe this would work. Maybe. Always.

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