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Seeing Drake's car in the parking was the worst torture. Memories just flowed in without a pause. That night in the garden, all the time I hopped into the car feeling as if it was my own. I closed my eyes for a second and walked on. I muttered under my breath "I need to move on." Drake heard me and asked "what? Did you say something?"

I turned around and seeing him there in the dark under the moonlight, his hair gently moving with the breeze his hands shoved deep inside the pockets of his black hoodie just made me pathetic. I hadn't seen him in a hoodie after that day. it seemed like my past standing in front of me. I shook my head and stepped into the car.

He pulled back his seat and relaxed into it.

"tired?" I couldn't help myself from asking. His eyes seemed so tired. He nodded and said "please let's just go to my place. I don't want to-"

"drake, it's not negotionable." I said as we drove past the parking space.

He didn't say anything till the time we reached his house. I literally felt I would vomit when I saw the house. I clenched my fist around the steering.

"you should leave." He said looking at my fist.

"no. I don't trust you. What if you run back to your shithole the moment I turn back" I opened the door and walked by his side. Both of us where equally slow. We dreaded this place. Once we were at the door he stood still looking straight ahead. When I couldn't take it anymore I rang the doorbell. I just wanted this night to get over.

A lady I did not recognize opened the door. She smiled at drake and moved to one side so that he could go in. but he stood still. I nudged him but he didn't move. And all of sudden his mother was standing at the door.

"get out." She said in an even tone.

"Zahira you should leave." Drake said still staring straight into the house. That was fine with me, I turned around and stoped when I heard his mother speak again "not just she. You should also leave." I looked back and he was standing motionless.

"i had told you not to comeback. YOU THINK I WOULD LET YOU IN AFTER YOU RAN YOUR STUPID CAR ON MY SON? Get lost."

"what the fuck?" I blurted out. Did she just say that. Now he finally spoke

"I didn't ran my car on your son. It was an accident. And he wasn't even injured." His tone had nothing in it that suggested that he was talking to his mother.

"I don't want to see your face." She almost spat on his face.

"okay hold on. I am sorry to interept you mrs Jacob. I brought him here. He is just not well so it would be better if he were to stay here-"

"shut up. Talk to my shoe darling." And then she called me something, something with n or was it l.

"Zahira leave. Please. You have done your job." Yes he was right I had done my job. I should leave. I walked back slowly, a small part of me was expecting him to say something for me when his mother said those things. But its okay, I meant nothing to him he meant nothing to me.

I could hear her shouting. And he was saying nothing, not even a single word. She was calling him something. And just like that I turned around and walked back to the door and held his hands. He almost stepped back "Zahira I told you-"

"you are crazy person." I looked at her straight in the eye "I don't want to stand here any longer, I may say something that I would regret. I brought your son-oh sorry not you son, just drake. I brought drake here, I am taking him back. He is not well, and your bullshit speech is the last thing he should hear." I took his hands in mine and walked back to the car. She was still shouting. I raised a finger in the air and shouted "fuck you."

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