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"Drake can you please not. I am working. "
" And I am hungry. " He has been continuously aiming paper balls at my face for the past one hour.
"And I am not. " I kick his hands so that the remaining paper balls falls all over him.
"This is not fair. It's past 1 and I still haven't got my lunch. " Now he is nudging my shoulder.
I am getting well with drake. Slowly I can see my days settling down into a perfect schedule. I like my life a little bit more I guess. It's nice to have someone at home. He irritates me a lot, I mean a lot. But it is nice. Nice to see him smile laugh happy. Happy news drake is getting actual sleep at night.  And more happy news, we are just two months away from the event. Everything is set. From the conference Hall to food to accommodation, we have everything planed. Two months, and I get to organize an actual fucking big event.
Even in work his presence was great help. Like on days when I am going from photo calls to phone calls stressing the ef out he would just walk in with a smile and two cups of copy and drag me to the terrace and sit there with me until my brain is clear. He hasn't changed. Not one bit. And on days when he has clean shave I get transported back to college, back to my drake.
"Zahira you would be happy to hear that now you are officially allowed to enter your room. " Drake had banned me out of my own room since he had some 'important' work to do in my room.
" Drake I swear to God, if you have messed anything up my slippers is coming straight to your face." I got up from the couch followed by drake, into my room. The curtains or as drake says blinds are down it's blocking most of the day light. The moment I step in the wall next to my bed glows up. There are those fairy lights with photos hanging on them. I went close to the wall, it was just a few photos the rest were still the box. I turned around to look at him
"I didn't want to do it all. It's your memories. I just wanted to get started before I go. "
That before I go kept ringing in my ears. I had told myself every single day of the past five months that he is not here to stay but still, to hear it out loud was literally death.
Hanging on the wall was a total of five pictures one with my mom and dad celebrating diwali, one from last year's birthday, one in which I was squeezed in between Lucy sam and lucus, one from my first day at work, and then the only one with a caption underneath #twinning me and drake smiling at each other in our blue dress. How bad would it be if I hug him right now? I quickly calculated all bad outcomes which was quite low and turned around and hugged him. Well more like a rest my head on his chest type. I felt his hands around me after a full thirty seconds. I pulled away after a minute
"Thank you drake aquilla. " And I love you drake aquilla, I have always loved you, that love is not going anywhere.
"You are welcome zahira rowen. Now you better complete this. "
That night I went through all the remaining photos, I took out all the pictures that I had with drake, a total of twenty. A photo from the day that we went bowling, and I was so bad that we decided to come back. Then there was a photo from the beach, drake was throwing a ball at me and I was holding up my hand to catch it. A selfie of me drake and the cake that we baked which was a terrible disaster. A photo that we took before we went to the club and a photo after we came back in which I was laughing my head off drake was making a face and sam was staring at me. A photo of drake in the middle of a weird dance move. A photo of me and Lucy trying to remove a shirt that wouldn't come off him.
These photos screamed every single reason why I like drake and why I would never hate him. I may not love him like before, there are times when I don't like him, but I would never hate him. Because that would be pure disrespect for all the moments in which he had made me happy stood by my side, fought with me cried with me. Yes, he has hurt me and nothing would ever justify that but then there is this drake that has always given me happiness in every small way.
I picked up the photos one by one and pinned them to the lights. Under those bright light you can only see the smiles.

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