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For the next two days that drake was in the hospital I visited him once in the morning and then again in the evening when I was returing from work. I didn't feel a want to go and see him, it felt more like a duty. I did my duty to my best. On the second evening when I went to see him I helped him with his medcines and then sat down on the chair next to his bed.

"how's work?"

"good. veronica says we should start work from home from next week. Office works are almost done. It would be good like that."

"yes. It will be good." I could say he didn't mean that.

Thomas came into the room at six, when I was prearing to leave. Thomas wasn't bitter anymore. But i am little annoyed at him for not understanding my point.

"how's it going?" he walked towards Drake's bed. "I have a news. I am resigning. I am planning to work near home. Yes this place does offer good money, but betty and children are not doing well."

"what happened?" betty and Thomas were married for five years.

"just work strees. I am here from morning to night, she has to handle work and kids all alone and it's exhausting her. She won't say it but I can see. Enough of making money, I need my family to be well." He checked Drake's medicines "so, the point is, I have assigned your case to dr. Samuel. He will handle it, he will meet you soon. But drake, just because I am not here doesn't mean that you will skip your sessions. And if anything happenes call me immediately."

"yes sir." Drake said out loud.

With that I left the hospital. It would get difficult for drake if Thomas goes away. But then, I am no one to think of about it. Thomas would handle it.

That night I didn't sleep well. Images of drake, his house, Thomas everything were constantly crossing my mind.what if I could be actually of some help? What if I could actually make some difference?

Stop zahira stop. Just think why we are not together in the first place. He is bad, stay away.

I stayed up whole night thinking what is right and what is wrong. I really don't know, with drake I really don't know.
I called thomas when I saw the first ray of sun.
"Zahira, early in the morning? What--
" Just tell me one thing, what difference will his staying with me make? I need a clear answer. "
I heard a soft laugh, he seriously finds this funny.
"I will meet you after your office, I will come there. "
With that the call ended.
Drake had planned to take two days leave so he wasn't around when Thomas came, I think that was good.
We went down to the small cafe down the street.
"See zahira, I agree I was really angry with you earlier and I really pressurised you to take him. But i understand your point. It's fine. And as I said earlier his condition is not too complicated. That fire alarm event had triggered it and he is fine now. "
"Thomas that's not what I want to know. "
"Coming to that. Your being around generally makes a difference, doesn't it? " He smiles, now he is just fooling around. I give him a good stare and he gets into his doctor mood again.
"It's always better to be with people. Like for example see, if he has a panic attack wouldn't it be better to be with someone than be alone. Its just the small differences that company can make to a person. " He shruged and leant back into his chair.
"But then it could be anybody right? It could be any company? "
"Yes it could be. But wouldn't it be nice if it's somebody he likes--
" He doesn't like me--
"He loves you. " He was smiling again.
"Oh shut up Thomas. "
"Zahira." He leant forward "stop taking so much stress. I am not forcing you and you shouldn't force yourself either. It's not just about drake. His happiness can cost you a lot. "
I turned away from his face, that year after we broke up came in front of my eyes. I couldn't let myself go back to that state again.
"Did you sleep last night? " He asked looking at his cup of coffee. I shook my head.
"Taking him may cause you many more of those. Don't harm yourself. But still, if you feel you could be of any help, think. Take your time. "
That is exactly what I don't want to do. Think.

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