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"We have to go shopping today. " I have been pulling drake from his bed for a long time.
"Noooo. We have everything here. Nothing left to shop. " He turned his head to the other side.
"Yes we have. We have to shop for the curtain and pillow.... "
"For the hundredth time, it's blindes not 'curtains'." He lifts his head from the pillow for a second before dropping back into it.
"Whatever. So as I was saying, we need to shop for blinds aka curtains pillow case bedsheets and... Oh and cleaning products, we are out of stock and also things for kitchen we have nothing left in that kitchen we need to buy everything from salt to sugar. So get up. " I tried pulling him by his collar. He turned around to look at me "first off why the hell do we need curtains aka blinds? You already have one in your room and I seriously don't need one. Like seriously. "
"That is because, Josephine, lady next door, has some serious complaints. She was saying that she is a respectable women in her 50s living with her family and she was in no mood to be excited by a twenty six year old guy walking in his underwears. " I yanked him by his collar and out of his bed.
"What the fuck? Did she actually say that? "

"Yellow? "
"No, it's too sunshine-ish. No, some other... Orange?"
"Drake, what's your obsession with orange? Red? "
"Too blood-ish" He shook his head in disapproval at the colour.
Half an hour and we still can't decide on a colour.
"Drake we need to do this fast. We also have grocery shopping. How about that? " I pointed at a dark blue coloured curtain. He nodded his head in approval and flashed a smile at the curtain.

"Never going shopping with you. Ever again. " We were both sitting at the foot of his bed facing the window. "Drake, who shouts from three aisle across just to ask if we need potatoes. Potatoes, like seriously? "
"In my defense, you were not picking up your phone. "
"You could have just walked over. Stop making stupid excuses. Now come let's fix this curtain. "
He stood up with a sigh.
"Listen zahira, this whole thing... You should have chosen them based on your preference. Like I would be leaving in two months... "
"So? " I dropped my side of the curtain down "so what? It's our prefernce. And it's not like if you go I can't live here with these. And stop telling me you are leaving in two months, I know that, you don't have to tell me. "
"Zahira, why are you getting angry? I was just... "
"I am not angry drake. I was just saying.... Forget it. Let's just get done with this fast. I am sleepy. "
Two months. That's it. Everything would go back to normal. In two months this house would go back to silence. Fuck this. I should have known that I would be trapped by the end of this. And here I am on the verge of another painful goodbye.
"It's getting out of hand. " Drake muttered under his breathe.
"What? "
"Nothing. It's done. " We stepped back to look at it. It went well with everything.
"Cool then. Goodnight. "
"'Night zahira. "

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