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Both the brothers are now frequent visitors in the shop. But never once were they present at the same time. Drake never talks anything other than "this book" and holding out a book. And trust me I didn't want him to talk even a syllable more. I have heard enough about him to hate him for a life time.

On the other hand josh would to come either to pick Eva or to wait for her, they both were hanging out a lot lately. And in these waiting period we had become quite good friends. But the more I knew him one character, I saw, was very much dominating, egotistic. He is so self-centered. Like literally so much. Yes I agree he was charming he was well mannered and everything a gentleman should be but sometimes I felt he was too nice, way too nice. But if I compare him with his brother he is an actual angel. How can they be siblings, let alone twins?

Today was the most hectic day. Half of the staff were on leave. Poor aunt had to manage all the works alone till noon then I had to manage both café and books sections. By the end of the day I was as good as dead. But looking at aunt I felt that I was much better so I offered that I would do the closing up and that she should leave. I just had to make sure everything was locked(she had already locked up everything) more over we were closing early so all the shops nearby were wide open. I could just call Mrs. Elizabeth next door and ask her to help me. after much resisting aunt finally agreed and Mrs. Elizabeth came in. I just let her sit on a chair in the front while I ran around ensuring everything was fine.

But the washroom was actually not locked. The lights were still on. I was about to switch the light off but then I saw that figure standing before that last mirror. Eyes as red as any I had ever seen. Blood dripping from god knows where, pale and shivering.

"Drake."  It almost came out like a sob. He looked in such a bad state that my throat dried up just at the sight of his face.

He turned to face me. Looked at me for a few seconds and then turned to wash his face. He came near and I shivered at the very sight of his face. They looked broken out of repair. The same way he looked the first night I saw him. He was about to say something but I felt like stopping him and said

"we are closing so.... "

"oh. I am sorry. I will leave."


But neither did he move nor did I.

I took a deep breath and asked "can I help you in some way?"

"yes please help me."  his voice was so meek like a crying baby.

That please melted the whole of my body. It was like he was begging for a final hope. I looked up and I saw his eyes filled up and it just gave a lump in my throat. If I look at those eyes for even one more second, I would cry too.

I don't know what came over me and I said yes. I just forgot all that people had told me about him. All I could here was his voice and all I could see was his eyes.

I walked back to the entrance and convinced Mrs. Elizabeth that one of my friends was coming and that I was done with all the works and that she may leave.

As soon as she left I asked him to come out and closed the front door.

We started walking towards my house. He didn't question even once when I turned to the direction opposite to his. He just silently came along like an obedient little child.

One minute of walking with him and my sense came back. I didn't even know this guy walking next to me and the little I knew was not worth talking about. By this time I was fully terrorised. What if he just kills me. every nasty thing was creeping to my thoughts and I was practically shivering. I took out my phone and titled it to one side and dialed the emergency number and kept it like that.

He was not even talking, that made me panic even more. I dared not look up at his face. And then all at ones he spoke and I jumped back.

"why do people do this to me?"

what is this person talking about. Shit did I do something? Is he going to take revenge or something?

"even, even my own parents." At this I looked up.

"I know.. I know I was bad. Really bad and people hate me. I don't care who hates me. but I tried to change for my parents I tried to change and I did change but never ones did they support me or at least look at.. look at me with love.. I am not that bad am I...." I knew he didn't need a response but still I shook my head.

"josh has made my life a hell."  His tone changed to anger and then all of a sudden was back to sadness. I could again feel the same feeling I got at the washroom an ardent desire to hug him tight and squeeze all that sorrow out of him. But then he wasn't even talking to me. he was talking on his own.

"parents are supposed to love their children right..then why do my parents treat me like least they should love me impartially I am not as good as Josh but I am still their son..i am still a human. Why can't they see that.? I am dying each day.. I am . dying."

If he says one more word I would cry. He is giving me anxiety.

We reached my house and I stopped without a word. He walked on for a while and suddenly realized my absence and turned around.

" house." I said pointing at the building.

"hmm fine. Thanks."  He was about to walk away when I just started talking unaware.

"do I get a chance to say something?"

"Ya sure" he said this quite unsure.

"Parents are humans too.. They may just fail to read you sometimes. At such times you need to muster all your courage, go to them, close your eyes and say whatever you feel like. They will understand. There may be problems but maybe its not the same as you think, maybe they have something else in their mind so just talk and understand what the actual tension is and then maybe you could solve them. If you just have too many unsaid words in any relation love will not flow freely you need to clear up that first. They wouldn't let you die like that silently. Nobody will let that happen to you."

That was too much talking. I felt exhausted. I couldn't stand there even for a second after that stupid ted talk. I ran back without even looking at his face.

I went straight to my room and ran to the window. He was still standing there looking at the sky. He stood there for ten minutes and then walked away.

The moment he left I ran to the bathroom and cried like a baby. I don't know the reason for those tears , was it for risking myself with a dangerous stranger and then giving a stupid talk or was it for that stranger.

God. I can't even understand myself how I will understand the world, I dont know.

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