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Six months of effort has brought us to this day, where everyone from senior bosses to guest are appreciating our work. Veronica is trying really hard to maintain a sane face as she shakes hands with one of the guest. Drake has been smiling and moving from one hand to another. As for me, I am totally loosing my sanity.
When all the guests left and it was just office staff left our hr manager came to the center and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention "okay everybody listen, don't worry about the cleaning and close up we have figured that out, so now go home and get some sleep, because tomorrow is party! " This is one of those few moments when our hr sounded like an actually human. Otherwise he always has a tone that makes you afraid that you are loosing your job.

"Come with me. " I was about to leave with everyone when drake pulled me aside.
"Where? "
"Just come. " He took my hands and walked us to the stairs and on to the terrace. Even the breeze is hitting me differently today. Today is a happy day.
"Wow." Terrace should be made tourists spot, Lord I would give the world to see this view everyday. Lights, skyline, sky, moon, stars, drake. Everything beautiful. "Are we allowed here. "
"We have booked this place till tomorrow morning, so yeah, we are allowed. " He let go of my hand and went to edge and sat down with his legs hanging down, I climbed in next to him.
"I came here day before. And since then I had wanted to bring you here. This just feels so us. "
Us. There is still us? Maybe yes, at least for these precious moments I could fool myself into believing that there is an us.
"Yeah it does. It's beautiful. Thanks, I needed this. "
"We should buy a place with terrace right? " He said looking around.
"Buy? We can't afford renting house, you are talking about buying. "
"God. Why is everything so expensive? Till the time I had my family income I didn't have to think about a thing and now every month I am broke. Everything is expensive, fuck that, even cereal feels luxury to me. "
"Seriously man, other day I went to the supermarket and I seriously missed being a kid, everytime I want something I had to do a thousand calculations. "
He let out a sigh and said "wow. Here we are sitting under a night sky talking about financial problems. Nice. "
"I guess that's what our life's have come to. Adulting. Bills, expenses, rent, job. "
I can see him looking at me, for a long time and then he started speaking "zahira, I need to tell you something. I am leaving. "
I laughed a little, why is he telling me this "I know.... "
"In two days. "
What the fuck. Two days. He is telling me NOW.
"Listen, even I didn't have much time. It was just a sudden decision. Office formalities would be completed by day after and then I leave the next day. "
"Fuck you drake. You planned everything and you didn't even bother to tell me. " I got up from the ledge.
"Zahira, wait. " He stood up too "I can fix this. Just answer a question. Do we have a chance? Do I have a chance, with you? "
"That's not the issue here drake. "
"That is the issue zahira. Just tell me ones that we can work this out and I will literally do anything to make it work. But. If it is otherwise, I better leave before it gets dirty. "
"So your are basically forcing me into believe that this will work? "
"No." He held his head in disbelief "no, why would I do that zahira. I am just telling you to make up your mind. Do you want this Or not? "
"You will be with me only if it's like past times? "
"O god zahira. " He is growing impatient, pacing around me "you are not understanding. "
"Then make me understand drake. I always understand when you tell me."
He just looked at me. For one whole minutes he just stood there looking at me "okay. Do you want to be in a relationship with me? "
He looked surprised, he hadn't expected such a sudden reply and neither did I knew that I was this clear about this question.
"Okay..... That's it. "
That's it? That's all is what's going to decide where we end up? No other question? Maybe I am overthinking. Maybe this is all that matters.

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