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I had gone over to aunt's house. I had to go there, she had to hold me for almost an hour, before I felt a little better. She was constantly saying sorry, she felt that she was a major reason that I was with him. No she wasn't the reason. He was the reason, even if she had told me to stay away from me I dont think I could have stayed away from that person for long. I loved him, even now, I did. I loved him so damn much, to hate him was to hate myself, to forget him was to erase a part of me.

I stood in the bathroom for a very long time. it felt good when the cold water fell on me. I could feel heat from my body.

My head was throbbing with all that crying, it was almost noon and till now all I was doing was crying. I sat down on the bed. I didn't know what to do next. When I heard sounds downstairs my heart stopped, I opened the door and now I could clearly hear the voices.

"just let me speak." Drake was yelling to be heard over aunt.

aunt was just saying one thing "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE."

"she needs to speak to me. all I am asking is few minutes to SPEAK."

I peeked out, he was wearing fresh clothes, he looked less frightening. And just like that in one move he ran past aunt and up the stairs, he stopped when he saw me at the doorway.

"please.. please. Just ones listen. Is that too much to ask zahira? "

There was too much noise in this house. Everyone was yelling. My head was splitting with all those sounds.

"STOP. JUST STOP." I had to join the yelling. "aunt, I will handle this."

"please, just don't fall for his words and get back with him. That's all." With that she went downstairs.

I took drakes hand and dragged him into the room and shut the door.

"speak." He was standing against the wall. He took a deep breath.

"okay. I did kiss Eva. I am sorry, I am idiot I know. But trust me this has not been going on for a long time."
"How does that change anything? "
this time I finally managed to speak without tears.

"no, it doesn't. but lets just fix this." He was literally begging. Fake.

"listen drake. I may not mean anything for you, that kiss may not mean anything to you. But it does affect me. I loved you and I don't think I deserve this in return of love. "

"but za-"

"I am not yet done. I don't want to continue this. So.." I couldn't bring myself to say that this was the end. My tongue just went dry, and when I looked up at him the whole of my body gave up. His eyes looked like a hurt childs eyes. he looked like I just stabbed him.

"is this the end?" he said in a shaking voice. I nodded.

"please, don't come here again, I don't want to be with you anymore."

"why are you doing this?"

Wow that line pushed me off the edge. He was really asking me. I lost my calm.

"seriously drake? You fucked up everything. You went and kissed my friend behind my back. And I have no idea what else you were doing behind my back."
"A kiss that's it. That's all it took for you to hate me? "
"Do not make this about me drake. Don't play that trick. I know how much I loved you and I don't need to prove it to anyone, not even you. "

He opened his mouth to say something, but I didn't want him to speak.

"drake, just respect what I say. Do not come to me again, I don't love you anymore. I hate you."

He wiped his tears on his hoodie. And smiled "I will always respect your decision. I will go away, just repeat that line without crying. I am not challenging you or something. I want to end this properly." he forced a smile.

That was when I realized that my cheeks were wet with tears, I wiped them. Yes this will end well.

"drake. Don't come to me again. I hate you, I really do."

He wiped the last tears from his eyes "just know this. I did kiss Eva, I did wrong. And thats the end, nothing more than that, no other mistakes." He walked to the door.

"I don't believe you." I said.

"I know" he smiled and opened the door, then turned back "I love you."

"I don't." my voice was detached.

"I know" he smiled again, that is when I first saw what people mean when they say smiling with tears in your eyes. I saw his eyes filled with tears and his lips wide in a smile. Fake. I had to remind myself every other minute that all this was just him faking some emotions. If I let myself, even for second, believe that he was not faking those tears, I would hug him and kiss him till the end of the time. I wouldn't be able to let go of him.

I saw him walk away. "Bye drake" I whispered and closed the door.

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