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As expected, I overslept. But it was definitely not expected that I would sleep all through the college and wake up at 1. Why wouldn't aunt call me.?

The moment I woke up I literally flied downstairs.

"why wouldn't you wake me up? And what are you doing here you must be at shop."

Aunt was coming out of the kitchen holding a tray with food "lunch darling, I came to have lunch. Come eat."

"why didn't you wake me up?" I sat cross legged on the chair next to the table.

"so apparently you are pissed because you couldn't go to the college to meet a person whom you saw the whole night, and that person too is as desperate I must say. He called me a hundred times since morning." She slowly set down the tray on the table and turned to look at me.

Now I need to hide my smile. I opened the juice bottle I was playing with and took a sip. I saw death coming.

"yuck what is this." I was rubbing my tongue to get that taste from my mouth. I had to eat half a box of sweet to get it off my tongue.

"don't do that. It's tasty. It's wheat grass juice. Healthy."

"TASTY. You are kidding me right? Anyway, I am going to the shop. Bye."

"first eat."

I made a face at her and shouted a promise of next time and went out.

Drake. Well now I have time to think about him. Should I text him? Maybe not. Has he texted me? I took out my phone. No. no text, no missed calls no nothing.

I was still wearing the ring and the chain, both of which was perfect for daily wear. He has good selection I must say.

I went straight to the kitchen. One of the best things about our shop is that employees gets free food. Wait. Do other shops offer that? Anyway. I took a plate and spoon and filled it with muffins and chocolate brownie. Aunt will surely faint seeing my healthy lunch or breakfast maybe. this sure is not going to fill my stomach but still its better than some wheat grass. Who drinks wheat grass juice?

Lunch time was not yet over. Customers were very less and almost none in the book session. Now I could sit peacefully on the window sill with my lunch and maybe music too.

This window seat is spoiling me. it making me want to sit here all day long when I have loads of work waiting me. songs now had a different meaning. They no longer had the memory of me sitting under the stars all by myself. Now they had the color of one of the best nights of my life, they had a whole new life now.

I sat there with my eyes closed. My mind was busy with thoughts of yesterday.

Suddenly the plate weighed a bit more in my hand and a sound of spoon touching the plate. I opened my eyes to see drake digging out a big chunk from my brownie. I pulled the plate to my side "not my brownie. You can take this muffins."

He took the muffins and sat down next to me.

Now how do I talk. What do I talk?

"why are you eating this. Lunch?" he asked with his mouthful.

"apparently aunt has made a healthy lunch with grass.'

"grass?" his mouth twitched in a weird way when he said that.

"yeh. I cannot think of eating that. So, I have to manage with this."


"a lot."

"guess what?" he dusted his hand "neither did I have lunch. Lets go out?" he stood up.

"no. I have a lot of work."

He sat down again. "maybe I could get us food. We could have it here."

"that's perfect." He stood up again.

"so, what will you eat?"

"chicken streaks." I had recently started developing a taste for this. But seriously speaking I felt like eating something Indian, but then Indian restaurant is so far away, and its too hot outside.

"okay then."

He smiled at me and went out.

Work. Too much of work. Some stupid person has replaced his book, what do I do for that now? I need to update the database of the library. I have been keeping it away for a long time now. There is some difference in the amount for the books that we have recently ordered. I need to fix that and on top of all this I have college works. But somehow, I liked the thought of being busy.

I was in the middle of preparing to- do list when Drake came back with the food.

I opened the packing greedily. By now I was starving.

"wow. This is so good. Where did you get it?" I asked taking a big bite.

He unwrapped his egg sandwich, his eyes widened with surprise at the first bite, now that makes me want his sandwich too.

"this thing is so good. I had actually planned to go to Charlies but then on the way I saw this new shop, I was just too lazy to go up to Charlies so I got it from that new shop. We must definitely go there soon." I had to assume most words; his mouth was too full for clear words. Two seconds he laughed maybe he just saw me stare at his sandwich, why the hell do I act deprived when I see food.

He took one more bite and asked "switch?" still smiling. I didnt even care to answer. I took his sandwich and placed my box of steaks in his lap.

"Zahira." Now that tone definitely says it was important.

I looked up from my laptop "hm"

"its just one more year, college ends whats your plan?"

"job?" I obviously knew what he meant to ask, but then I didn't have an answer to that question.

"Here or there?"

"depends. I will look for a job here to begin with, if it turns out that its a good job maybe I could stay here. But then my family, I am sure after one or two months I would definitely find it difficult without them plus if I can find a good job there then.." then what? I leave? I should have thought about all this before jumping into a relationship. And in everything that I have said I never ones mentioned him as a priority.


Was that a sad cool? I was searching in his face for a bit of sadness. He looked up and after two seconds he gave out a laugh of realization "listen, I know what you are thinking, but its fine. We definitely have to give far more importance to our career. And then this" he moved his fingers between the two of us "this just needs love; it doesn't need physical presence."

I couldn't help smiling "you have grown up in a year Drake."

"have I?"

'yeh. Now that's about me. what about you Drake?" this time he knew were this was going. His smile faded. "you are not studying a thing Drake."

"I am." He looked at me "okay. I am not but I will—"

"when Drake? You---"

"so, completed the database thing?" I turned to my right and saw Aunt leaning over the counter. This was her way of making me realize that I had works to complete.

"uh I....yeh. I mean no, I am working."

"clearly." When she had this all-work tone in her voice it reminded me of mom and it always made me feel guilty, as if I was doing something really bad.

"I think I will see you later." Drake said grabbing the box and wrapper.


Aunt turned around and went to the kitchen.

I was about to turn to my laptop when Drake came back and kissed my cheek. I jumped a little at the suddenness.

"now bye." He turned on his heals.

But then again, he had managed to leave amidst this talk about studies. I seriously need to hold him down one day and talk.

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