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Three years ago.

Two days after we last saw drake sent a text.

'Hi I am moving out. All I want now is to talk to you, one last time please.'

'11:00, charlies? Please.'

I blocked him and cried for another hour. I was sure about one thing, I don't want him in my life any more but I didn't know how to handle this situation. I couldn't handle two lose at a single time. I had tried talking to eva but she wouldn't take my calls.

It wasn't until then that I realized how much of an impact drake has on my life. I couldn't even breath properly when ever I saw anything with his memory. I hadn't steped out of the house for weeks now. I could go for days without any proper food. Aunt was growing worried and would constantly suggest that we go back to india for some days. But I didn't want my parents to see me in this pathetic situation.

I tried everything that people usually do after breakup. I blocked him in every app I could find, I deleted all his photos threw away almost everything that he gave me, some of which I eventually took back. I even tried a makeover. None of those worked. I went back to working at the café, that was a bad idea. There was not a thing there that didn't remind me of him.

I would walk around the town and I was always careful to avoid places that had even a slighestest chance of his presence.

And one day I came across Thomas. He was friends with drake since god knows when. He is a physcatrist by profession with a face as calm as a saint. That meeting was the one thing I needed the most. He has been helping me with whatever has been happening in my life since then.

I finally got the courage to visit my parents. Life was getting better. Life does get better.

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